Welcome to my website dedicated to SCI-FI TV SHOWS and shows which contain SCI-FI elements. In the past I also ran a website called SF Series and Movies. The name says it, it was not just about TV shows. The ‘job’ to keep it up to date became too much and that is why, with some regret in hindsight, I closed the website somewhere in 2018. But in late 2020 I felt the urge again to start-up a new website, this time only dedicated to SCI-FI TV shows, which meant less work. This time I also chose to be selective about what is news and although there is a link to X from my website, I no longer am active on any social media platforms. I realize this can severely affect visitor numbers, but I believe this is a choice I must take since I really am done with social media altogether.

Yes, this website is created by a fan, one with limited creative skills but however limited, I really am enjoying it. The look and feel probably makes it look like a website from the early 2000’s. I also really like to write about TV shows, therefore there is a large BLOG section on the website. I am not always successful in writing an easy reading piece, I am still trying to become better at this, still, I like to think that on many occasions, I succeed in writing a BLOG that reads fluently. I hope you enjoy your visits here, hope it is interesting enough for you to become a frequent visitor. If you have any remarks, questions, you can do so in the comment section below. You email address is only visible to me.

star trek, star wars, sci-fi, alternative universe, space, spaceships, time-travel, stargate, richard dean anderson, the expanse

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Dark Angel
3 years ago

Welcome back! I found your site again after twitter notification lol, I knew the site was closed a few years ago.

3 years ago

Thank you Dark Angel! Sorry for the late reply somehow I missed your comment! Thanks for your visits and comment!

4 years ago

Nice to see that you're back. I like the looks of the website. Wish you succes and good luck with your new website.