Please be aware of spoilers!


It was a few years ago since I last enjoyed a Syfy show as much as I do Resident Alien! This is, I think, mostly because of Alan Tudyk who portrays his character Harry Vanderspeigle. I cannot think of any other actor who could portray this role as he does. It shows his acting skills are through the roof if you ask me! The show first aired on January 27th, 2021 and recently it has been renewed for a 4th season. After the episode cutback in season 3, I was worried that there wouldn't be a season 4. Happy that I have been wrong for assuming that.


It is about an alien who crash-lands close by a small-town in Colorado named Patience. He takes over a body of Harry Vanderspeigle and tries to stay anonymous but when the town doctor is killed, the town Sheriff Mike Thompson (Corey Reynolds), who refers himself to the Big Black and Deputy Liv Baker (Elizabeth Bowen) asks him if he could help out seeing as the real Harry Vanderspeigle also was a doctor. The Alien Harry’s mission is to kill all humans, but the longer he is on earth, the more human he gets himself.


The first season is one continuous arc which runs through the whole series. That is what I like so much about story-arc seasons or series for that matter, there are no filler episodes, every episode contributes to the whole story-arc, so yes, I definitely prefer story-arc seasons or series.

So Harry has little choice but to agree to become the towns doctor. He thinks the previous doctor has been murdered, although at first he thinks the doctor did it himself. He meets his assistant Asta Twelvetrees (Sara Tomko) and they become friends. The Mayor Ben Hawthorne (Levi Fiehler) practically begs him to temporarily become the new towns doctor. With a lot of slapstick humor, Harry agrees. One kid however, Max (Judah Prehn), the son of the Mayor and Kate Hawthorne (Meredith Garretson) can actually see Harry in his true alien form! Only one in a million or something are able do that. D’Arcy (Alice Wetterlund) is Asta’s friend, always looking for a man and she likes Harry to be her next ‘victim’. When Asta says he is an odd fellow, Harry is determined to fit in, so that his chances of being caught diminish. Meanwhile he thinks he has to kill Max because he knows his true identity. Max’s parents of course think Max is crazy for even suggesting that the new town doctor is an alien. But he fails to kill Max.


Max refuses to break, he keeps saying Harry is an alien, meanwhile D’Arcy is making advances and she and he going bowling together. Harry is beginning to feel human emotions especially when it is about Asta, her grief for Sam’s death, the doctor, hurts him also. Dan Twelvetrees, the adoptive father of Asta, immediately feels there is something off about alien Harry Vanderspeigle. Harry feels that and this makes him nervous. Meanwhile a man falls of a cliff and lands on Harry’s cloaked spaceship, he dies and people find him, laying there on the cloaked ship. A fisherman finds a severed foot in the lake near the house where Harry lives. He is worried that the real Harry Vanderspeigle will be found, which he threw into the lake. Asta and D’Arcy go to a party and Asta remembers when she had to give up her daughter when she was really young. Sam helped her with that. The Sheriff and the deputy are 24hrs at the lake, it scares Harry but at some point, the body is on shore, he brings it inside and hides in his freezer. He had to fight the sherif’s dog over it. For a moment it is exciting when the dog runs all the way to the freezer, the sherif opens it but only see meat.

Harry is invited to dinner at the mayor’s home to connect with their son. D’Arcy joins him. Max and his new friend Sahar (Gracelyn Awad Rinke) think up a plan, they copy his keys so they can check out his home. When they see apple floating on a plate via the power of tellurium, they touch it and are slammed backwards, unconscious. Harry, who comes home, sees their bikes and finds them in the cellar, he puts them in bags, when he is back in living stands in front of him, real Harry’s wife! The girl that is been working at the clinic, Jay, is Astra’s daughter! No one knew and Harry blabbed it out when he was forced to go to Dan’s mother to help with her back pain. Dan didn’t even know who she was, and is very confused that Asta let her work at the doctor’s office, seeing as she knew it was her daughter.


Mike and Liv get a report on how Sam died, he was poisoned. Meanwhile, the real Harry's wife Isabelle comes to visit her husband, and the alien Harry has to think fast. Kate and Ben consider sending Max to Georgia because of his "delusion" that Harry is an alien, forcing Max and Harry to compromise with some help from Sahar. Jay finds out that Asta is her mother and gave her away when she was little. Max and Harry form a truce which they are both okay with and D’Arcy likes to pursue a relationship with Harry but does not realize she was talking to his ex-wife in her bar. Dr. Ethan Stone arrives in town, Harry's replacement, and Harry isn't thrilled that there's a human with a better smile than him. Meanwhile, Mike and Liv try to track down the mysterious Pharmacist, and David and Lisa find Harry's spaceship. The Government is on to Harry, or at least, they know there is an alien in the area. General Eleanor Wright (Linda Hamilton) sends in a team of two, who find Harry’s ship. They know he will be back at that location. Because he has to do things his wife cannot know about, he drugs her. Note - Fantastic scene where Sheriff is a good and a bad cop in an interrogation with a student, who doesn’t crack! 😊

Harry suspects he is being watched at the sight were his ship was, his wife finds him and he spins a tale to misdirect the government. She leaves him, he is sad, tries booze, pills but Asta and D’arcy introduce him to getting high to solve his problems. Asta tells the sheriff that it was her ex who stole the prescription pad. Sherrif and his deputy catch the “medicine man”, actually, deputy Liv is the one who apprehends him which is very uncomfortable for Sheriff Mike. When he tells her he thought she was disrespectful, she explodes, saying he is disrespectful, than she quits. Harry helps Max with telling his parents he made a mistake in diagnosing him, he does not need to go to that special school. Max helps Harry find his device because Max can spot the green glow around alien stuff. It’s on a glacier, Max warns him not to go, Asta and D’Arcy go after him, the government is following the alien activities and know where Harry is. Then Asta, Harry and D’Arcy fall way down when the ice cracks open under their feet! Note - Great stuff, yes Harry is definitely my favorite character, but Sheriff Mike and deputy Live are close 2nds and 3rds. Guest star: Nathan Fillion (Voice) – As the octopus fish in the water tank.


After their fall into the crevasse, D'Arcy tries to climb up to get help while Harry and Asta fight for survival. In Patience, Ben tries to take charge of his wedded life. Mike and Liv meet for the first time since Liv quitted, and Dan begins to realize something is wrong with Asta when she misses their weekly dinner. Lying there deep in the crevasse, Harry can no longer hold his human form, Asta sees he is an alien. After her first shock, she helps him. Meanwhile D’Arcy is closer to the surface, she goes up to get help. Harry does not want D’Arcy to know he is an alien. Harry is clothed all the way from top to bottom so that D’Arcy doesn’t see he is an alien as they are driving to the hospital. When D’Arcy goes in to get help, Asta drives off to Dan. Note - Sheriff steals the show again in his scenes, that man is hilarious. The banter with the mayor, fantastic! Dan thinking Mayor was the alien when he didn’t know yet it was Harry, was also hilarious.

Harry regrows his severed leg and goes to an alien experiencer convention with Asta to get an implant that can jumpstart his device, aka the bomb. Meanwhile, Sheriff Mike finally arrests Sam's killer (at least they think they do), and Lisa and David come one step closer to tracking down Harry. Lisa and David go to dinner at the mayor just see Max, when he’s not there, she investigates his room and finds the stone, Max has made a recording of her snooping and stealing. Meanwhile, Harry and Asta at a convention, the alien tracker (Terry O’Quinn) is also there and he too sees Harry for what he is. This alien tracker has an implant for Harry’s…”communication device” aka bomb! D’Arcy feels abandoned by Asta, she breaks into Harry’s house, breaks the lock on the freezer and finds the death Harry! Note – When Sheriff sees Liv singing, he joins in, just hilarious! And they both can really sing too!


Apparently Harry discovers the broken lock on the freezer and moves the body from the freezer so that D’Arcy’s claim seems made up. Harry prepares to complete his mission, but discovers that his humanity extends beyond his metamorphosis. Lisa and David go after Max, they want him and Sahar to tell them where Harry is but both her parents come to the rescue. Both aggressively attack Lisa and David who flee the house! Meanwhile, Mike gets Liv an espresso machine, he says it’s meant for everyone but Liv knows he did it for her. When the Sheriff and the deputy take D’Arcy with them to check out Harry’s freezer, they do not see a body, D’Arcy claims he moved the body but the Sheriff takes her back again, grumpy that she wasted their time. The deputy sees a booth lying there. She goes to the doctor’s office to find the foot and it is a match. Asta begins to realize that Harry has murdered the real Harry. What Asta doesn’t know is that the real Harry killed Sam. Asta doesn’t want to be friends with Harry no longer and wants him to leave. He decides to activate the bomb after all. He finds his ship, is ready to leave when he sees Max and Asta being captured. He saves them and when Asta tells him they are still friends, he decides to deactivate the bomb. When he is enroute back to his home planet, he discovers Max is a stowaway in his ship! Harry’s reaction: This is some bullshit! 😊

Final Word:

Resident Alien is a MUST SEE show, it is so much fun, it has comedy, drama, sci-fi and such great characters. The Sheriff is out of this world, so much fun, as I said, a close second because Harry is of course my favorite character of the show. I decided to write this blog without naming the episode titles because it is just one big story of 10 episodes. It has become rather long but I don’t let that bother me no more.


Sheriff Mike Thompson

Ps. On I found the following description of Sheriff Mike Thompson which I find to be so accurate, I would like to share this with you:


Mike Thompson is the sheriff of Patience County in which the city of Patience, Colorado is located. His deputy is Liv Baker. He is a no-nonsense individual who is immediately suspicious of the odd behavior of Harry Vanderspeigle, an alien who has assumed the identity of a doctor. He has designated the town's mayor, Ben Hawthorne, as "Mayor Snowflake." He possesses the quirky ability to both beatbox and hum at the same time. Baker describes him as being a "teddy bear... with severe control and anger issues." He prefers to be called by the nickname "Big Black," though the other characters on the series don't like calling him this, due to the racial overtones, of which he is apparently unaware. He previously worked in Washington D.C. before moving to Patience and at some point prior to this served in the military. Sheriff Mike is haunted by the death of his partner and long-time best friend, Jesse, who was killed on duty, something he blames himself for. Much of his anger and control issues stem from this loss, which he never talks about, and which he fears could happen again with Deputy Liv.


Mike Thompson has a highly controlling personality which often rubs other individuals the wrong way. His take-charge natures leads to him wanting to be in control of everything, sometimes even to the detriment of an investigation. He often discards the advice of others, but his sometimes complete disregard for others' feelings pushes his deputy Liv Baker to the breaking point, causing her to quit. Afterwards, a conversation with his father forces him to re-evaluate his behavior, leading him to realize that he has been ignoring and belittling someone with a truly keen investigative mind. He makes up with his deputy and invites her back onto the force, after which he begins treating her deductions with much more respect, even going so far as to purchase her a gift to express his appreciation.


Mike is very skeptical when it comes to certain conspiracy theories, such as the existence of aliens or strange behavior of government forces. He does not seem to recognize the irony in regards to his own beliefs regarding certain things, such as the moon being man-made or Nespresso machines being the work of the devil.

With the help of IMdB & Screencaps taken from Resident Alien Wiki

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