
The Pretender is one of my all time favorite shows but it do find it hard to write a rewatch blog for it. Especially since I watched the second season round the new year of 2023 to 2024. Yes, for season two I did write down notes about each episode, which I did not for seasons 3, so season 3 will be much more difficult to write down.


The 2nd season of The Pretender is, I think, I a bit better than its 1st season but not by much. Season one was already a very strong season so it’s hard to beat that. As I said in my final word of the 1st season, the 2nd season is presented in widescreen, which enhances the viewing experience. Although these DVD’s I have are about 20 years old, they still look more than okay. I play the discs on a 4K player, with a 1080p TV and I really enjoyed the PQ.


In Season two a few new characters are introduced and they really add some spice to the show. Mr. Lyle (James Denton) and Brigitte (Pamela Gidley) who both work for the Centre. Both of them are shady, Mr. Lyle has done some questionable things in the past, and probably is still doing it. Brigitte is a real bitch, in every scene she is, she makes me angry, I really dislike that character! Yes, Pamela Gidley did it well. Unfortunately the actress died at an early age of 53 in 2018. Miss Parker’s father can be considered as a new character as well in season 2, he did only do 3 episodes in season one. Episodes 17 and the two-part season finale.

“Back From the Dead Again” Jarod pretends to be a medical professor Dr. Jarod Howard that leads him to deal with cadavers and to dig up the grave of a missing student. He is having bad dreams. He has been taken against his will when he was a grown man but can’t remember it. Miss Parker meets Mr. Lyle and Brigitte in her father’s office, she knows something is off, she and Brigitte immediately are enemies! Jarod finds out that is was Mr. Lyle and Raines who were experimenting with Jarod while Sydney was forced to go to a conference in Europe. Miss Parker has her fun with Raines who is severely burned, she demands answers about her father and Lyle. Raines tells her: Mr. Lyle is the boogeyman. In “Scott Free” Jarod helps a man who has done time and is forced to take a job again with his former criminal friends. Miss Parker is now the 2nd fiddle because Brigitte is Mr. Lyle’s favorite. Jarod looks at Scott and his son and thinks back of his time in the Centre with Sydney, whom he thought of as a father of sorts. Jarod knows the Centre is coming but Mr. Lyle approves Brigitte’s plan, not Miss Parker’s, and Jarod escapes again. Still a little victory for Miss Parker!


On “Over the Edge” Jarod pretends to be a rescue worker to try and find out how a former member of the team, Chris, got injured and accused of suicide. Raines wants to know who shot him, so Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney are interviewed by a certain Doctor. The Doctor is in fact working for Jarod! Great scene when Miss Parker is interviewed and that she grabs the doctor and looks into the camera tells him that if she was the shooter, he would be dead. In “Exposed” Jarod pretends to be a camera man, shooting pics of models. He is there to try and find out about a model who supposedly got killed by a stalker. Jarod finds out that the model may have faked her own death. He sends Miss Parker on a trip which brings her back to the man to whom her mother went to every April. Before she meets him, Jarod arranged a music box without music or a figurines. But when she meets that man, he tells her he got one from Jarod, to give it her next time they met. Jarod has send the other one to her office. Jarod wishes her a happy birthday over the phone. When she says she has a birthday in January but she soon realizes that the man can be her father, certainly when a photo in the music box was hidden, which shows her mother, the man and her as a baby. Mr. Parker is back!

In “Nip and Tuck” Jarod pretends to be a plastic surgeon to find out who is responsible for screwing up a young girl’s face. Broots is being stalked, Brigitte is the stalker but she says she isn’t the one who shot the photo’s. Angelo feels Broots is scared and saves Broots when he is being shot at. “Past Sim” is a must see episode! Jarod sees via the news that a sim he has done, it now used in an actual crime. Sydney is not aware of this. Mr. Lyle is behind this. The target was a woman who has been kidnapped. Mr. Parker, who is back, wants Lyle gone and sets him up. If Lyle fucks this up, he has made clear he will loose a thumb, the Centre is working with the Yakuza! Broots has won the custody of his daughter Debbie, Jarod was instrumental in this, he had info which looked bad for Broots’ ex. Jarod asks Broots to help him find out the Centre safehouse where the woman is being held. Note – Yes, it indeed seems that Broots is the coward here, but this is simply not the case. Yes, he’s frightened to get caught, to loose his job, to get killed, to loose his daughter, but he still does what is asked of him. A real hero if you ask me!


In “Collateral Damage” Jarod helps clear the name of a soldier accused of selling information to the enemy during the Vietnam War. Miss Parker finally opens up a present she got from her mom on the day she died. She does that with Debbie, Broot’s daughter, who is staying for a few days with her because Broots is on a mission. She at first doesn’t want to do it but she likes Debbie and it makes her think back of her mother and her. Note - Good episode, some real tearjerking moments for Miss Parker. In “Hazard” A man tries to kill himself in front of Jarod. Jarod learns he is a chemical engineer and that there are violations at the plant where he works which are being ignored. And Sydney runs into a man from his past at the Centre. This man experimented in the war on Sydney and Jakob. Sydney goes berserk when he finds out this man is still alive and working with the Centre! Jarod tells Sydney over the phone they are family. Jarod suggests that they should go fishing one time when all of this is over.

In “FX” Jarod pretends to be a stuntman to try and find out what happened why a stuntman is lying in the hospital with heavy burns. Meanwhile, Jarod leaves clues behind for Miss. Parker which leads her, Sydney and Broots to SL-27, a sublevel floor not on any map. Long ago a boy named Timmy was being held there. Catherine Parker wanted to save this boy and Jarod. Raines fried Timmy’s brain, Timmy now is Angelo, Timmy is no more. Raines suggests to Miss Parker’s mom that she most likely does not know her husband as well as she thinks she does. Note - Very emotional scene when Sydney, Miss Parker and Broots are watching a classified DSA file from Raines’ personal stash, where Miss Parker’s mom runs into the room yelling where Timmy’s head is being fried.


In “Indy Show” Jarod pretends to be a racecar driver in order to find out what has happened to Jimmy Roemer, how he crashed. Meanwhile, Sydney gets a message that his brother Jakob is awake. Miss Parker goes after him and Mr. Raines tapped Sydney’s phone so he knows about it and is going too, he wants Jakob dead. The same drug that woke him up last year is now killing him. Jacob does give a name linked to Jarod: Gene. Jakob dies before the sweepers arrive. In “Gigolo Jarod” Jarod pretends to be a Gigolo to try and find out what happened to an 8 year old boy who fell 3 stories and died. Note - This episode does not reveal any Centre secrets or Jarod’s for that matter, but it is really focused on family and having a home. Guest starring: Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Brad Greenquist.


“Toy Surprise” is definitely one of the better episodes this season. It is the anniversary of Miss Parker’s mother’s death. Her dad phones and wants to join her at the cemetery, he never goes there. She gets a message from Jarod saying that her father is in danger. Brigitte has order to kill him. Angelo is vital in finding out how and where she is going to kill him. Raines says that the same people who want her father dead, did also want her mother dead. On a DSA Parker got from Angelo, she sees her father crying just after Catherine’s death. In “Standing Up Guy” Jarod is pretending to be a mobster, trying to find out what happened to an under cover cop. Mr. Lyle is on a killing spree of Centre personnel. He is after data that is going to get him 20 million. Mr. Parker orders Miss Parker to kill him once and for all. Lyle, the man without a thumb, Miss Parker shoots Lyle, he falls into the harbor bay. A body is found but is mutilated. Broots finds out that the chips Lyle stole contains some sort of genetic code, he believes it has something to do with Jarod.

In “Unforgotten” we meet Argyle (Leland Orser) for the first time. Argyle finds Jarod after he was surprised and getting a knock on his head. Although he treats him, he also thinks Jarod is worth lots of  money, so he contacts the Centre, gets Brigitte. Miss. Parker, Sydney and Broots are being dragged to a Centre cell, imprisoned because the Centre believes that one of them is working with Jarod. A T-board tries to determine who is the one. Miss Parker’s dad is also on the board because he hides in the shadows but he shoes give him away. Note - Brigitte thinks she has Jarod, but of course she bites the dust and he ties up Brigitte and frees Argyle. Golden moment! In “Bullet Proof” Jarod pretends to be a police officer to find out what happened to a colleague. Jarod gives Sydney information about a woman named Michelle Lucca, who apparently also worked at the Centre. He even has found out this woman has a son, who turns out to be Sydney’s son. Someone from the Centre threatened her that if she kept on seeing Sydney, something would happen to him. In “Silence” Jarod pretends to be a DEA agent in order to try and help a child talk about what he has witnessed. Raines is being attacked by a man, severely beaten. Miss Parker saves Raines. It is Dannie who attacked Raines, he also lived at the Centre, Raines experimented on him. Sydney becomes his new doctor. Note – Another solid episode.


In “Crash” Jarod gives up his seat on a plane to a guy who needs to have it, school related. But the plane crashes and kills the guy and many others. Jarod is having a hard time with it. He becomes an investigator to find out who is responsible for this. Meanwhile Jarod sends Sydney, Parker and Broots to a class reunion with different aliases of people who went there. They find out that Mr. Lyle was there on school also, as Bobby Bowman. Apparently he ‘died’ by the hands of his stepfather but Mr. Lyle faked his death and used his friend to be the corpse, which he also killed. Sydney is convinced Mr. Lyle again faked his death after he was shot by Miss Parker, who doesn’t want to believe that. Note – Also one of the best episodes of the season. We learn more about Mr. Lyle and also a very emotional Jarod when he learns about the plane he was suppose to be on. In “Stolen” Jarod is working in the hospital, when a man is brought in who is begging to save his son. Jarod learns that his son is kidnapped and they want a $2M ransom money for him. While doing this he is remembering his own kidnapping by the Centre. Centre for once is very close on Jarod’s tail, they even catch him for a moment but because Raines’ guy messes up, Jarod escapes while Sydney is standing before Parker who has drawn her gun at him. Note – Two words: Top entertainment!

“Red Rock Jarod” is with the season finale the best episode of the season. Jarod gets a message from Sydney, to meet him at a small town. But when he arrives and asks for Sydney, everyone in town acts strange. (soon it becomes obvious that Mr. Lyle sent the message) Eventually he is arrested by the Sheriff who then turns him over to Mr. Lyle who plans to turn him over to the Centre. Jarod learns that Lyle kidnapped the Sheriff's wife and placed her somewhere where she has limited life support. And just when Lyle is about to cut off one of Jarod's fingers, he is saved by his brother, Kyle. And they set out to find the Sheriff's wife. Kyle feels good about helping the wife of the sheriff. Deputy sheriff has a boy with a weak heart, he will die if he doesn’t get a transplant. Kyle and Jarod are of the same rare blood type. When Lyle points his gun at Jarod and fires, Kyle gives his life to save his brother, Jarod makes sure Kyle can help one last time, the save the boy by giving him Kyle’s heart. Note – This episode is just epic!


In “Bank” Jarod invites Miss Parker to a Bank in Dover. Miss Parker’s father visits his daughter, he was awake all night, needed to see her. Truth is Jarod broke into his house, in the hopes of finding info about his parents but instead he finds information about Catherine Parker which he shares with Miss Paker. Mr. Fenegor, who helped Catherine save children, comes to that bank every week. Meanwhile, the bank is robbed and so it is difficult to talk to him but when Jarod finally has the opportunity, Fenegor runs and gets shot. Later he says some things, Red files, where all information has been stored and also Prodigy, something Jarod belongs to. Jarod makes Miss Parker see that her father lies about everything. Note - Broots is again the hero against all odds. Raines and Mr. Parker definitely are dirty. Mr Fenegor isn’t dead but again in the hands of the Centre, who’ve been paying him for 28 yrs. to keep him quiet. Why they just don’t eliminate him…. Mr. Parker, so well played by Harve Presnall, he does not even has to talk.

In the season finale “Bloodlines” two-parter Sydney is trying to help Angela become his self again via a series of treatments. They have to be taken all, otherwise he will reverse indefinitely. Jarod comes closer to answers about his parents, he learns they went to NuGenesis, an adopting agency but also helping with conceiving a child. The concierge knew his parents. Angelo / Jarod find out that the Centre is getting ready to kidnap a new pretender, project prodigy. Miss Parker has a twin brother, at first it seemed like it was death at birth but Raines just told that to her mother. When Miss Parker confronts her father, it seems like he didn’t know either. NuGenesis is working with the Centre to find a new Pretender, Angelo escapes the Centre and goes to Jarod. Jarod is not Miss Parker’s brother, there are not 7 but 8 red files, Miss Parker was the 8th, her brother is one of the seven, named Bobby, her brother, Mr. Lyle. Angelo only needs one more injection but when Jarod saves this kid who was going to be the new Pretender, the only thing that can cure him is that same stuff Angelo was injecting himself with. Jarod created a dose but the vile was busted. Angelo, who also could have been Miss Parker brother, reverts to his old self permanently. Sydney is so angry at what is happening at the Centre, feeling guilty about never doing something against it, he has placed a bomb at level 27 where the new pretender was going to be groomed. But when Jarod returns to the Centre to ask Mr. Fenegor about his family, he hears Mr. Fenegor saying that his father killed Catherine! He flees while Miss Parker is shooting at him, coming down in SL 27, Parker after him. Raines & Mr. Parker are also there when the bombs goes off, who lives and dies!?  Note - the season finale is the icing on the cake, such a strong 2nd season with a perfect season finale!


Final Word:

It has become a HUGE blog, this will most likely not be the case with the 3rd season because with season one and two I kept notes. Which means lots of detail you want to incorporate. With season 3 this will be different. As I said, the 2nd season is just perfect, not a single mediocre or bad episode. The characters grow and flourish, the actors get more and more familiar and comfortable with their characters, great guest spots, it is just that good! I rate the second season 8.5/10.

Screencaps taken from: IMdB

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