Art: BrianBySouth



Season Six of Deep Space Nine is arguably the best season, although there are some episodes which are okay at best, but it also has some of the very best Star Trek episodes ever created. For me that includes the 6 episodes at the start of the season. I know many of you consider only half of them good, but I love every episode, all six episodes. As for anyone else I also think the first episode “A Time to Stand” and the final two episodes “Favor the Bold” & “Sacrifice of Angels” are the very best ones, but I also love the other 3, a bit smaller, episodes. Enough that happens on the station, elsewhere where the Federation takes a stand. For me, these six episodes are the ones I always most look forward to when I restart watching the series. I find it so exciting that Dukat is back on the station, commanding it with Weyoun, which gives a lot of bickering scenes between the two and station is called Terok Nor again!


After these 6 fantastic episodes, Worf and Jadzia are getting married in “You Are Cordially Invited”. This is a bit of a lighthearted episode right after the occupation episodes. To get married with Worf, who now belongs to the House of Martok, Jadzia first has to please Martok’s wife, which isn’t so easy. It is not strange that after these exciting episodes the next one seems a bit dull, which it is actually. 

In “Resurrection” we get to meet with Bareil who comes from the alternate universe. He tries to deceive our Kira; he is working with the intendant but he soon sees that it is wrong what he is doing. “Statistical Probabilities” a genetically engineered group of humans are brought to DS9 because Bashir has the hope that they can be integrated into the society like he has. Bashir is convinced by the group that the only way to save lives is to surrender to the Dominion, which of course is something Sisko is firmly against.

“The Magnificent Ferengi” is with season 4’s “Little Green Men” my absolute favorite Ferengi episode! It is hilarious where 6 Ferengi are going to try and get Moogie back, who has been taken by the Dominion. Like a group of mercenaries but lacking the skills completely. Note - It is such a fun episode, always look forward to watching this one where Cousin Gaila is by far the stupidest and most clumsy Ferengi of the group! In “Waltz” we get to see how unstable and mad Dukat really is after the death of his daughter Ziyal, by the hands of his former right-hand Damar. Note - You would think I love this episode because these two characters are at the center of it, but somehow it doesn’t quite gel for me, perhaps because Sisko is wounded and therefore not a fair match against Dukat. “Who Mourns for Morn” is a fun episode about the most loyal customer of Quarks. As I said, it is fun but nothing more than that.


“Far Beyond the Stars” is perhaps one of the best episodes of the series, or even of all Star Trek, where the DS9 characters are set in Earth’s past, 1950’s, where black people are 2nd class citizens. This is a painful reminder of our not-too-distant past. Where Benny tries to earn a living as a writer, but the readers cannot know he is black. It is such a strong episode, so well-acted by Avery Brooks, I get goosebumps of it even as I am writing this down. Note - A perfect 10, but very hard to watch it sometimes knowing this actually happened and unfortunately still happens today. “One Little Ship” is a fun episode where Dax, Bashir and O’Brien have been shrunk to a very minute size. As small as they are, they are still able to help to defeat the Jem’hadar who have captured the Defiant. I actually really like “Honor Among Thieves” where Chief Miles O’Brien is working undercover in the Orion syndicate. He succeeds and get befriended with Liam Bilby (Nick Tate). As time passes by, O’Brien finds it more and more difficult to double-cross Bilby, but he has no choice in the matter. Afterwards Miles adopts Bilby’s cat, the least he could do. Note - In season 7 this storyline (kind of) gets touched upon again.

“Change of Heart” is a strong episode in my opinion because it tests the relationship between Worf and Dax. They are ordered to go on a mission together, a very important mission, a Cardassian has secrets about the Dominion he is prepared to give it if the Federation help him escape. But when Jadzia gets injured, Worf initially goes on with the mission knowing that Jadzia will most likely not survive this. He aborts the mission to go back to save her. He places her above the mission! Rightly so I might add! Another great episode is “Wrongs Darker Than the Night” where we go back in time, during the occupation of Bajor. Dukat, who really wants annoy Kira, tells her that he and her mother had a relationship. He even has proof. Kira uses an orb to get back in time and sees her worst fears come true! Really like this episode. Note - I’ve read that initially the storyline would not be Kira’s mother having a relationship with Dukat, but Kira herself. Actress Nana Visitor objected to this strongly because this character would never be able to do that, she despises him on all levels. The creators thankfully agreed!


“Inquisition” is also a favorite episode of mine revolving around Dr. Julian Bashir when he’s abducted by a group called Section 31. They are similar to the Romulan Tal Shiar or the Cardassian Obsidian Order, but here in the Federation, Section 31 is not known except for the highest ranked personal of the Federation. Bashir is suspected to be a spy, especially after being captured by the Jem’Hadar in season 5 (The two-parter “In Purgatory’s Shadow” / By Inferno’s Light”) and also trying to convince Sisko to surrender to the Dominion because it will save many more lives in the long run (“Statistical Probabilities”). Ultimately Sloan, leader of Section 31 believes him and even wants to recruit him!

“In The Pale Moonlight” is most likely my favorite episode of the whole series. At least in the top 3. Sisko is getting tired of reading the names of the people who died during the war with the Dominion. He actually only sees one solution to possibly winning this war and that is to bring the Romulans into this war on Federation side. He needs the expertise of Garak, who thinks he can help but he neglects to say certain things to Sisko because Garak knows he would not agree to it. Avery Brooks and Andrew Robinson both shine in this episode. It’s a FAAAAKE is something that always pops into my mind when I think of this episode. Note - If you love this episode, make sure you also read the DS9 novel “Hollow Men”, you won’t be disappointed. In “His Way” we meet a new character, a hologram who knows he is a hologram, singer Vic Fontaine (James Darren, R.I.P.). A great addition to the cast with a great voice! Odo finally asks Kira the big question, something that was left hanging for a while now.


“The Reckoning” is kind of a letdown after the last few episodes. Perhaps logical but still, it is an interesting episode, still very watchable. The Prophets and the Pah-Wraits are getting ready to fight but in bodies we all care about. The Pah-Wraits has chosen Jake to be their vessel while the Prophets have chosen Kira to be their vessel. Winn intervenes in the final moment but not because of honorable reasons. “Valiant” is also a mediocre episode, at least to me. Again, it is not bad, but it is far from a favorite of mine. In part because of these characters, these young men and women who acting like they are seasoned Starfleet personnel. At times I thought it was annoying to watch these kids and to see Nog joining them with no doubt whatsoever. Great performance of both Cirroc Lofton and Aron Eisenberg. “Profit and Lace” is another Ferengi episode, but I find it one of the weakest episodes this season. Quark becomes a female in order to help his Nagus. “Time’s Orphan” is also a bit of a weaker episode, but this one also is still very watchable. Keiko and O’Brien lose their daughter Molly (Hana Hatae) while visiting a beautiful green planet. She stepped to some sort of portal but comes back as a young woman who lived on her own for 10 years or so. She was all alone, bewildered, doesn’t know how to speak anymore.

“The Sound of Her Voice” is another gem of an episode. It definitely is a bottle-show, meaning that it is cost effective where the crew of the Defiant receive a distress call from a woman. It is a long trip but meanwhile they are able to communicate and this women, Lisa Cusak (Debra Wilson) is actually able to help our crew with some problems they are dealing with. Unfortunately, Lisa is dead when they arrive, even more so, so is dead for a while now, they have been speaking with a woman from the past all that time! The season finale “Tears of the Prophet” is a strong episode but certainly also a very sad episode because we say goodbye to the character Jadzia Dax. I admit, in the beginning I really had to get used to her but in all the years after, she definitely has become a favorite of mine. A meaningless death by the hands of Dukat. Note - A real shame if you ask me, but apparently, she wanted to leave the show to do the new sitcom at that time called “Becker” with Ted Danson.


Final Word:

Season 6 is in many ways perhaps the best season of DS9, in many ways, not in every way because yes, it has some superb episodes but the somewhat weaker episodes are in greater numbers than let say season 4 and 5. Like seasons 4 & 5 I would rate this season an 8.5/10. The occupation episodes, “The Magnificent Ferengi, “Far Beyond the Stars”, “Inquisition” and “In The Pale Moonlight” are the main reasons. Of course the departure of Jazia Dax is being felt all over the 7th season! Don’t get me wrong, I like Ezri, I really do, but she is no Jadzia.

Screencaps taken from: TrekCore

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