Well, when I was doing My favorite SCI-FI TV Shows of the last decade (2014-2024), I thought that it would also be fun if I did this of the 90’s and perhaps also the 00’s and 10’s. Perhaps I will also going to do this for the 80's, although I am not sure if I can come up with 10 TV shows. The 70’s is a possibility but the 80’s I don’t know. Either way, 90’s is where SCI-FI really flourished, where my all-time favorite shows were created so I thought, lets start there. To be in this top 10, a show needs to have been created in the years 1990 – 1999.
10. Roswell (1999)
This year, in October, Roswell turned 25 years. The anniversary blog you can find here. Roswell is about 3 young alien adults who are hiding among the general population, trying not to get exposed. But one day when Liz Parker is shot, one of the aliens Max, who has a thing for her, saves her while normally she would have died.
Meanwhile these 3 aliens form friendships and there are people who want to expose them, for their personal gain or otherwise. Sheriff Valenti is keeping an eye on them from the beginning, great twist when it turns out he is on the side of the aliens. Roswell is just a very entertaining little SCI-FI show, in the first season the stories are more personal, but seasons 2 & 3 the style changed a bit, more SCI-FI stories, story-arcs, bigger stakes and so on. It is quite adventurous, really loved this show, from the very beginning.
The show was cancelled after three seasons, season 3 ends on a rather satisfying note, so no big fat cliff-hanger or something. Normally I am not really into young adults TV shows, usually I get really annoyed with their attitudes but I did not have this at all with this show. I haven’t seen the reboot, not interested in it either, this is the real thing, great cast, great stories, some good drama also. Yearning for another rewatch, oh yeah, the intro Dido, Here With Me, is also phenomenal.
9. Space: Above And Beyond (1995)
This show only lasted one season but this is truly a gem of a SCI-FI show, which should have run several more seasons at least. It is about a the human race going into space, creating colonies but without knowing they colonize a world that’s owned by another alien race. They murder almost everyone in that colony and take a few captive.
Space Above And Beyond, aka S:AAB, is not a show like Star Trek where most battles are being fought in space, with S:AAB many battles are being fought on land, which shows even more how horrifying war is. We follow a team of 5 soldiers, one of them is born from a test-tube, the others, humans, all there for different reasons. Nathan West is there, because his girlfriend lived in the colony that was destroyed by these aliens called the Chigs. He has reason to believe she is still alive and hopes to find her.
If nothing else, I think you can best compare S:AAB with the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, dark and gritty. S:AAB used the same kind of CGI as Babylon 5 did, which at the time was very innovative. Now it looks a bit dated of course but still, with my last rewatch in 2017, it still did not bother me. Fox cancelled it after only one season, which Fox is famous for. Another thing that sucks is that it ends on a cliff-hanger, still it does not stop me from rewatching every so many years.
8. Star Trek: Voyager (1995)
Star Trek: Voyager earned a spot near the end of my top 10. Voyager started in 1995, The Next Generation was done, Deep Space Nine was in its 3rd season. If you follow this website than you’ll probably know that I often complain about Star Trek: Voyager. I think this is because I know it could have been so much better, should have been better even. The premise is great, lost in the Delta Quadrant, new species to encounter, many unknowns, desire to return to the Alpha Quadrant and so on.
The problem with Voyager for me is that a season often is a mixed bag of really good and mediocre to awful episodes. Yes, Voyager has told some really great stories for sure, this is the reason why I keep rewatching Voyager after all these years. In part because it still is Star Trek, these characters, they are so familiar to me, it feels like coming home every time I watch one of my favorite 90’s shows. And yes, Star Trek: Voyager is a part of that, it belongs in my Top 10 of the 90’s.
Season 4 is unmistakably the very BEST season, there are only a few duds, most episodes are very entertaining and in part this certainly is because of the new character Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) who was introduced. Bulls-eye! What I also noticed with my current rewatch, is that I gained more appreciation for Captain Janeway, she is a good captain, even though the show itself was sometimes below par. Either way, Star Trek: Voyager is still better than what we get nowadays with the name Star Trek attached to it.
7. Highlander (1992)
There can be only one! This is also one of my all time favorite TV shows. I have always been more a fan of the series than of the movies. I thought Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod as the Highlander was a perfect match. Yes, he was a bit stiff in the beginning but that didn’t take very long. Duncan MacLeod didn’t want to die himself and therefore he wasn’t a hunter himself, but when they came after him of his loved-ones, he fought back and did the beheading if necessary. That was the downside of the show airing in 1992. Nowadays everything is shown, but in 1992 beheadings on TV were not allowed and because this was such an important part of the series, it really hurt the show in my opinion. What we see today on the telly is often 10x more frightening than what happened on Highlander.
Still, it is and was one of my all time favorites. Adrian Paul portrayed the character with dignity and grace and even though he had to behead other immortals, he had a good soul. He took in a young boy who was constantly getting himself into trouble, Ritchie (Stan Kirsch, RIP). What we later learned is that Ritche died and became immortal. Duncan MacLeod knew all along. The Watchers was a nice addition to the TV show the initial movies didn’t have. A group of people who followed immortals for centuries but now a group within the group thinks they are filth, they are disgusted by them and hunt immortals down. Duncan’s best friend pretends to be a Watcher, he is also an immortal. Such a rich show, it is a shame it didn’t became a franchise.
6. The X-Files (1993)
One of the most popular TV shows in TV history I believe, a show which got to be mainstream, at least for a certain period of time. The lead characters, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gilian Anderson) were basis for a lot of new TV shows following The X-Files. The X-Files is not only SCI-FI, it is also supernatural, a bit of horror, drama and even a comedy at times. That is what I liked about Mulder, he always used much needed humor, he always knew how to diffuse a moment. The show lasted 9 seasons in its first run and we got 2 more seasons starting from 2016! In the later seasons, The X-Files, or better Chris Carter, got a lot of criticism, I don’t think not from the diehard fans, but from the casual fans so to speak.
With season 5 and the first X-Files movie “Fight The Future”, the show was at its most popular, the future seemed very bright. But although we got to see 4 more seasons, initially, the criticism began with season 6 I think. Especially the mythological episodes got a lot of heat because they never seemed to go anywhere, new plots were created but little or no answers were given. The last two seasons David Duchovny no longer was the lead character, Robert Patrick was his replacement, he played John Doggett and I thought he was refreshing. Season 8 is definitely one of my favorite seasons, don’t care what others think of that. For me the last two seasons can easily compete with seasons 1-7. Rewatched it last year on Blu-ray, if you didn’t know better, you would think this was a new TV show, it still looks very good, great production values, many episodes feel like a mini-movie! Just great stuff!
5. Farscape (1999)
At the end of the 90’s we got yet another new space faring SCI-FI show called Farscape. I have to admit that it took me 10 years before I was able to watch Farscape from the 1st till the last episode, when I purchased it on DVD. Before that time it was near impossible to watch the show in my country. When Farscape finally was on TV, they broadcast it on Sunday at noon! Yes I tried to record it a few times but when you forget it a few times, the fun goes out of it. So in 2009 I purchased the DVD set and I liked it, but I didn’t love it. Rewatched it again on DVD and later twice on Blu-ray and with my last rewatch on Blu-ray, last year, I really dug it, I was consumed by it, wanted to watch the next episode when finished the one before. This was my first watch I completely appreciated Farscape for what it was, a multi-layered SCI-FI show with a lot of depth, great characters, bad guys and story-arcs.
Since my last rewatch Farscape belongs to a very select group of TV shows I absolutely love! This is SCI-FI at its best and it is unbelievable there hasn’t been a reboot or a continuation or something. Or even a miniseries. It has such a rich universe, so many more stories to tell. I think season 4 is my favorite because the Scarrans have an important part this season and I thought they were amazing baddies! You heard of them in the first 3 seasons, saw them occasionally but that was it, but in season 4 they are there to stay! Having said that, I love every season, I would grade every season an 8/10 or even higher. Yes Farscape is perhaps different than Star Trek: DS9, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica or Stargate, but it is definitely not inferior to these shows, certainly not. I had to watch it several times to really appreciate it, but that’s on me!
4. Stargate SG-1 (1997)
The longest running SCI-FI show from North America, not including the X-Files which topped them but needed two periods to do it, and let’s face it, The X-Files is not only SCI-FI. After the movie Stargate was an unexpected success, in 1997 Brad Wright and others created Stargate SG-1. When I first watched it back in the day, I wasn’t that impressed with the first season. Yes, the characters immediately appealed to me but the setting, the stories weren’t what I was hoping for. With a number of rewatches my view changes significantly but I still find season one the weakest. Richard Dean Anderson’s humor was one of the reasons I embraced Stargate SG-1, I think half the time he just improvised, I always look out for these humoristic moments when I do a rewatch.
Even when it is a rather boring episode, O’Neill’s humor can brighten an episode. As I said, the cast, these 4 characters made me want to rewatch it time after time. For me, the 4th and the 7th seasons definitely are the best but unlike most of the Stargate SG-1 fans, I absolutely love season 10, definitely one of my favorite SG-1 seasons for sure. Richard Dean Anderson left the show as a lead character in season 9, Ben Browder (Farscape) was his replacement and I think did a great job, his character Cameron Mitchell made me even appreciate his character John Crichton on Farscape because believe me, I really had to get used to that shouting bastard! 😊I don’t need to tell you (but I will) that Stargate SG-1 spawned of 2 more TV shows, both of them I love, but Atlantis has become my favorite Stargate series, still “the mothership”, Stargate SG-1 is still very special to me.
3. The Pretender (1996)
I realize that there are people who do not consider this SCI-FI but there are some SCI-FI elements in this show. Furthermore, IMdB also mentions that this has some SCI-FI elements, and because of this I feel I have the right to add this show on this website, thus also on My Top 10 SCI-FI shows of the 90’s. Currently rewatching it, in the middle of season four (August 2024 as I write this) and I still love it so much! Must see TV I call this. I think I can say that this is a fairly unique show, a place like The Centre, kidnapping young kids you can consider geniuses, one genius escapes and is looking for his family and while doing that, he tries to help other families who are in trouble. The Centre of course wants their asset back and is constantly after him so it is impossible for him to settle. What’s more, the one who is sent to find him, Miss Parker, he grew-up with more or less.
He was abducted by the Centre at a young age, they told him his parents had died and they let him play out all kinds of simulations. Miss Parker’s father ran the place and her mother was also working in the Centre, but was apposed to what was happening there. Miss Parker met Jarod regularly and you might say they even were friends. Now in present time she is after Jarod, who could, if he wanted to, disappear forever, but he cares too much, also for Miss Parker and Sydney, his surrogate father at the Centre. The Pretender is a multilayered show, the Jarod storyline, helping someone, usually (not always) is perhaps procedural, but what happens with the Centre and such definitely is interesting as hell, great stuff, the mystery, politics, the scheming. I cannot get enough of this show, watched it so many times now and it never ever bores.
1. Babylon 5 (1993)
Well, if you follow this website you know Babylon 5 and Star Trek: DS9 are my all-time favorite TV shows so it is no surprise that these are numbers 1 & 2. Still I always said that I cannot choose between the two, when I am watching Babylon 5 I think that is my favorite show, when I watch Star Trek: DS9 I think that this is my favorite TV show. This has been the case for as long as I can remember. So that’s why I am not having a number 1, 2 & 3 and such, but 1, 1 and 3. I simply cannot and will not choose between the two. I’ve just finished Star Trek: DS9 so I will put it on top of the list but when I am watching Babylon 5, I will most likely put B5 at the top of the list. That being said, Babylon 5 is a magnificent show, a book for TV, story-arcs, great galactic wars, a very scary enemy or enemies! Intrigue, subterfuge, politics, hard SCI-FI, you name it, Babylon 5 has it.
I’ve been watching this show since 1993 and I rewatched it 12-14 times I think, perhaps even more and I am still not bored with it, last year I even purchased the complete series on Blu-ray and I expect to be watching it within one or two years again. Finished it in 2022 on DVD. Besides five seasons, there are also 7 movies, including the pilot which first aired in 1993. The actual TV show started in 1994. Crusade (1999) was a follow-up series but it was cancelled before airing its first season. Yes, the CGI looks outdated, which is obvious, but I still find it watchable. The stories are just incredible and if creator JMS had gotten the news earlier he was going to get a 5th and final season, I believe season five would have been as perfect as seasons 2-4.
1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)
So, the other number one is obviously Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. A totally different Star Trek than the previous Trek shows as well as Star Trek: Voyer and Star Trek Enterprise. Like Babylon 5, DS9 is set on a station in space, which makes the storytelling totally different and is it logical, at least to me, that DS9 is much more story-arc driven than lets say The Next Generation or the original Star Trek. This was not yet in the beginning, this slowly started up in the middle of season two, when the creators began to develop the Dominion. At least I do not think they knew about this race from the beginning, I think happened in season two and we can all be thankful for that because made the show so much more interesting. After all this time, DS9 is, for me the very best Star Trek show.
JMS has said in various interviews that CBS/Paramount copied DS9 from Babylon 5 because, for a while, before DS9 was made, they had the script of the B5 pilot. To be honest, I think JMS is correct, I think they got they idea to make a Star Trek version of his idea. But I am so glad it worked out that way because both are my all-time favorite shows, both shows are completely intertwined in my life, I’ve watched both shows so many times it is scary perhaps! With my last rewatches of Both B5 and DS9, my wife also watched them with me. She does have a slight favorite, DS9, but I was never able to choose, and that is fine by me. I will keep rewatching both shows until I die and DS9, which is considered the bastard child of Star Trek, is the opposite to me, it stands out, but only in a positive way!
Final Word:
It was not as difficult as I expected it to be, to select my 10 favorite shows from the 1990’s. Still there are a number of other entertaining shows like: Dark Skies (1996); Earth Final Conflict (1997); Earth 2 (1994); SeaQuest DSV (1993); Crusade (1999); Seven Days (1998); First Wave (1999) and Space Precinct (1994). These missed a Top 10 spot but as I said, it wasn’t so difficult. If you have your own Top 10 of the 90’s, please let me know in the comments below.
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