

Stargate SG1’s 7th season was, if I remember correctly, going to be its final season before Sci-Fi channel opted to renew it for another season. I for one wouldn’t have minded at that point if SG-1 would end naturally. On the other hand I am very happy with the last three seasons. In the 7th season we see Daniel return after one season where he only guest stars in a few episodes as a higher being, an ascended being. As you may recall I always said I thought season 7 came close to season 4 as my favorite Stargate SG-1 season. After watching season 7 I am now convinced that season 4 is my favorite. Too many average episodes this season.


Regarding the Blu-ray on which I am watching SG-1: I have to mention this, in general, yes, I love this set, I am very satisfied with the PQ, but certain things about these set is bordering amateurism! First of course showing the SG-1 from season 6 on the cover, so with Corin Nemic, not Michael Shanks, who was there for the other 9 seasons. What I also find obnoxious, the subtitles, most of the time all in CAPITAL letters! Sometimes it is correct again but usually only one episode and then back to capital letters again! Only season one was correct all the way. Season 7 has more correct subtitles than any other seasons except season one, but still very inconsistent. In my opinion, whoever checked this work, should have been fired on the spot.

“Fallen” is a terrific episode, Daniel is found naked by a bunch of nomadic people. Jonas thinks he’s found the address on a tablet to the City of the Lost! SG-1 gates to that specific planet where Daniel has been found. But his memory is gone. He must regain his memory, in order to defeat Anubis. Daniel comes back to earth and tells Jonas his translation is not correct. Anubis now has the eye, a powerful device, which makes him very powerful, even more If he finds them all. Jonas comes up with the idea to make a fake tablet for Anubis, to mislead him. The team come up with an insane plan, which they partially succeed in. Teal’c is captured by Jaffa, Jones is kidnapped by Anubis. Note – Fantastic episode, with so much humor, I have been laughing out loud many times this episode. Besides that, great action piece. Below quote, I am almost certain RDA improvised his answer, looking at Amanda Tapping’s face! This episode is full of magnificent quotes. Here you’ll find some of them.

Quote: Khordib: [on meeting SG-1 for the first time, clears his throat] Greetings. Jonas Quinn: Greetings. We're... travelers from a planet called Earth. Khordib: You came through the chappa'ai? Jonas Quinn: The stargate... Chappa'ai. Khordib: He is Jaffa. Jack O'Neill: No, but he plays one on T.V.

In “Homecoming” Jonas’ people are ‘in bed’ with Anubis, which of course brings them in a nasty predicament because Anubis is not to be trusted. So, Jonas is kidnapped by Anubis and Daniel is trying to free him. Kelowna asks the SGC for help. Teal’c tries to convince Yu’s first prime to seek for help from Ba’al, because without him, they are helpless. Daniel and Jonas escape and ring into an room where Jack and Sam are in a heavy fight with Anubis’ men, he has started to attack Kelowna. Commander Hale, from the Kelownans, double crosses the other nations but he gets killed at once. With Anubis on the run, Jonas goes back to his planet becoming the spokesperson of Kelowna. Note – Fantastic two-parter, Daniel back, sadly, Jonas is gone, liked this character a lot.

Next up, “Fragile Balance” A teenage boy shows up at the SGC claiming to be Jack O'Neill. He recalls a dream in which an Asgard was studying him. They determine that they must find this Asgard to fix what has been done to Jack. Loki, an Asgard, has been trying to clone him, experimenting with it. Because the close was not meant to live longer than necessary, the young clone has defects which will kill him. Note - Okay episode I guess, and Michael Welch does a superb job in playing the grown-up O’Neill in a 15 year old body. But it is not a favorite episode of mine.

In “Orpheus” Teal’c takes a staff blast to the gut and without his symbiote, he cannot regenerate. Teal’c expresses his feelings that the Tretonin has made him weak. His recovery takes a while and he needs longer than the doctor deems necessary. Daniel remembers that Ry’ac and Bra’tec have been captured by the Jaffa forces of Ba’al. SG1 goes to rescue them but Teal’c gets captured himself, Bra’tec has to remind him that strength comes from the heart and the mind. With the help of SG1 they free the camp. Note - Some great acting from Christopher Judge. In “Revisions” SG-1 explores a planet where the people live in a dome, outside the dome it is unhabitable. Sam discovers that the dome is shrinking and at some point the dome will be gone, but the inhabitants have no clue and don’t know that people disappear because they are directly linked to a computer which regularly updates and causes the townspeople to not remember them ever existed. Note – Entertaining episode, but nothing special really.

In “Lifeboat” Daniel’s mind is occupied by several beings at a time after SG-1 is investigating a crashed ship. Daniel’s consciousness protects itself while other personalities emerge from his mind. Note – Although I think Michael Shanks acting skills is really showing here, very impressive, the episode is not a real favorite of mine. Nice quote I want to share with you: Teal'c: Daniel Jackson's preliminary electroencephalogram proved anomalous. Colonel Jack O'Neill: I dare you to say that again. 😊 In “Enemy Mine” the Unas Chaka is back in order to try and mediate between the native Unas people and the people of the SGC. Note – Unas were really scary in the beginning, now they’ve become a bit like the Borg on Voyager, although all the tribes on those hills was kinda scary. Guest stars Steven Williams, Michael Rooker & Kavan Smith.

In “Space Race” Sam participates in a space race with The captain of the Serrakin prisoner transport ship Sebrus and he offers in exchange full access to their ion engine technology. Although not through official channels. Note – been there done that is my first thought, on Voyager. But it is an okay enough episode, nothing more. Sam in the lead is always a plus! Guest starring: Alex Zahara as Warrick Finn. Ps. So far I cannot say 7th season comes close to the 4th or possibly even the 5th season. Strange those memories. But it may well be the best is yet to come! “Avenger 2.0” is a few ticks up from the last few episodes. At least for me. Dr. Felger is back and to save his job, Dr. Felger tests a new virus on the Stargate Network to help control it and it ends up disabling it instead. Sam is actually the only one who still has some faith in him, at first, but every time he has a new idea, it gets worse. Note - Priceless to see the expression on Hammond’s face as he is looking at Felger, more than once I might add. Granted I love the episode last season more that was because of Coombs (John Billingsley), he was even more fun in that episode, sadly he was absent this episode. Still I really enjoyed the silliness of this episode and I wouldn’t have minded if Felger would have returned every season till the series ending, preferably with Coombs.

In “Birthright” The Tau’ri are saved by a group of female Jaffa, who are fighting for their independence and lives. Because women mean so little under the Goa’uld Molok’s rule, they are being killed at birth. They need to procure symbionts in battle to keep the young women alive. SG-1 proposes a different way, so that they can be independent, Tretonin. Note - This is the episode where Teal’c snogs T’Pol (Jolene Blalock)! 😊

In the two-parter “Evolution” Bra'tac and Teal'c encounter a heavily armed enemy with shielding protecting him from Goa'uld weaponry. They barely manage to defeat him and bring him back to SGC for study. But to study it in detail the need to catch a live one. It is expected that Anubis is behind this super soldier thing .The 2nd storyline: Daniel and Dr. Lee go to Central America expecting to find an alien device that might be Ponce de León´s Fountain of Youth, they find it but they are captured by Honduran kidnappers in the woods. The Tau’ri and the Tok’ra have determined where this super-soldier originates from. Selmek/Jacob manages access to the facility where they have been created, there already are 1000’s of these super-soldiers! Anubis has learned from Jonas about Pangaria, hence these mindless super-soldiers. Jack goes out to find Daniel and Bill, he is accompanied by a former soldier from his unit named Burke (Enrico Colantoni), they are not friends because Burke thinks Jack betrayed him. The device has been turned on by these crooks and it has a real bad influence on people…even on dead ones. With Daniel and Dr. Lee being taken by these Honduran kidnappers, the SGC must find a way to retrieve them if they are to have any chance of defeating the newly encountered super-soldiers. Note - I absolutely love Enrico Colantoni, made me laugh several times. I really liked the 2nd storyline with Daniel, Dr. Lee, Jack and Burke.

In “Grace” Sam is alone on the Prometheus after an unidentified ship attacks the Prometheus. Sam gets injured and unconscious and when she wakes up, she is alone. While being alone she ‘sees’ the other SG-1 members and a young girl who each time eludes her. Meanwhile at the SGC Jack is obviously frustrated that Sam is missing and he basically feels helpless. Teal’c tells him that Sam felt the same way when Jack and Maybourne were stuck together. Note – Average episode but certainly watchable. Jack’s frustration is a moving scene. In “Fallout” Jonas returns. He asks for assistance in saving his nation. He explains that the Naquadria was originally Naquadah and a Goa'uld named Thanos started a chain reaction to transform all of his planet's Naquadah into Naquadria. A large vein of Naquadah has just been affected and the Kelownan scientists believe that the transformation will cause this large a deposit to explode, taking their entire nation with it. Jonas’ colleague is a Goa’uld spy, she however is willing to give her life. The symbiont dies but saves the host. Back at the SGC, the Langarans amply demonstrate that the planet's three groups are anything but supportive of one another. Jack has a solution for that. Note – Nice to see Jonas return, although he needs to find a different hairdresser!

In “Chimera” Sarah/Osiris is visiting Daniel’s bedroom at night while he sleeping, to try and find out where the lost city is. She uses a mind probe on him, so he dreams like he is in a relationship with her all over again but she is only supportive and wants him to succeed. Meanwhile, Sam is in a relationship with Pete, a friend of her brothers’. She it temped to tell him about her work. When they are going to apprehend Sarah, Pete has followed them and gets involved. He gets shot but also see some things which are science fiction to him. Note – Pete’s funny, really has humor, also nice elevator scene with Sam and Jack about Pete.

In “Death Knell” The new Alpha Site has been attacked again by Anubis’ soldiers. Sam was creating the new weapon with Jacob against these soldiers, Sam is on the run with the upgraded chip for the weapon but not the weapon itself. Meanwhile Selmek is no longer informed of major decisions with the Tok’ra. Meanwhile Sam is fighting for her life with a super soldier coming after her, SGC personnel is looking for survivors including Sam. Jack and Teal’c are there just in time to get the chip from Sam and use it with their newly created weapon. At the SGC the Tok’ra as well as the Jaffa decide to end the alliance! Jacob returns to the Tok’ra to try mend some fences. Note - One of the best episodes of the season. Sam in desperation as she thinks she killed the soldier with the UVA bomb and Jack and Teal’c in the nick of time coming to the rescue was a great ending.

“Heroes” two-parter is also a fantastic episode where we loose a beloved character! The president has decided to approve a documentary about the life at the SGC. Hammond is against it but is following orders, to the letter, which means that the interviewer, Emmett Bregman (Saul Rubinek) gets little as possible access, which frustrates him greatly. He does however is really fond of Janet Frasier, the doctor. During a lunch together, she is called away for an off-world mission. The team comes back after a heavy fight, it looks like Jack has been hit and perhaps has died. Bregman wants to be included but is not, he gets very angry. When he learns there is a tape of the engagement, he pulls strings to get access to it. When he sees the tape, he realizes it is Janet who died, he ultimately decides not to use it and returns it to Daniel. Meanwhile there is an NID overseer named Woolsey, a hard ass, who thinks there have been unnecessary death. The rescue mission to save SG-13 should not have happened according to him. When the documentary is done, even Hammond is happy with it and he agrees that even O’Neill must do an interview. Note – Colonel Dave Dixon (Adam Baldwin) talking about how his 4 kids are more scary than going through the wormhole, hilarious. Also the insults Jack tells to Senator Kinsey but most of it is not heard because of the com being very loud. Truly fantastic episode, some very emotional scenes because of the loss Janet, a friend and a colleague. These are the episodes that makes SG-1 a true hit.

Perhaps the weakest of the season “Resurrection” Agent Barrett of the NID calls SG-1 to Los Angeles for a consult on a mass murdering of a rogue sleeper cell by a young woman. There they find many Goa'uld artifacts relating to Sekhmet, a subordinate of Ra. But how this operation is related to the Goa'uld eludes SG-1. Note – Hard to stay wake with this one. “Inauguration” is another ordinary clip show, although I did like what happened in the white house. The president’s first day on the job is being told about the Stargate Program. Kinsey is the vice president and tries to influence the president in changing the personnel of the SGC and give the NID (read Kinsey) responsibility over the program. Kinsey uses Woolsey for this but Woolsey begins to see who Kinsey is. Note – I skipped through all the clip-show footage and what remained was interesting, for the most part because of Kinsey and Woolsey, but I also really like William Devane as the president. Fun fact: I watched this episode on November 5th, 2024, the President’s elections in the United States!

In my opinion the feature length season finale is the best episode of the season. Jack did it again, in order to beat Anubis to the ancients knowledge, he put his face in that ancient device again. While the team is at Jack’s, Hammond comes and tells them he has been relieved of duty, a civilian administration will come, a Dr. Elizabeth Weir. Gate travel is suspended for 3 months but when Bra’tec comes through the Stargate to tell Anubis is coming, vice president Kinsey doesn’t believe it and tries to undermine Weir’s command. Teal’c returns to Chulak with Bra’tec to try and find support with helping earth. Note – I really like Torri Higginson as Dr. Weir, but I would have also liked this Dr. Weir (Jessica Steen) too as the head of Atlantis. Jack unknowingly, via a crosswords puzzle, writes down the location where the Lost City supposed to be. Teal’C and Bra’tec find a pilot who is willing to lend his ship as long as he can come with. It isn’t the Lost City but most likely an outpost now covered with lava and Jack finds a power source there. Meanwhile Ronan stabs Bra’tec on the ship but Bra’tec manages to defeat him and bring SG1 back up. Apparently Jack also has healing powers and heals Bra’tec. Jack reveals without many words that they need to go back to earth, supposedly where the Lost City is. Anubis is attacking earth. SG-1 comes out of hyperspace, close to the surface and with the power source they brought, Jack is able to fend off Anubis, destroying his ships. Note – Best episode of the season, some beautiful moments between Jack and his teammates. Kinsey fired, Hammond in command of the Prometheus, to use a Joey Tribbiani phrase: what’s not to like! Would have served as a great series finale!

Final Word:

There it is, season 7 rewatch! Now that this season is done I think my favorite season will remain the 4th season. Season 7 is a more than okay season, but I felt that there are too many average episodes. It does hold a few of the very best Stargate stories: Heroes and The Lost City. On a whole, really enjoyed the season and double so much because I was able to watch it on Blu-ray instead of my DVD’s. Three more seasons to go and if memory serves, the 10th season is my favorite of the last three seasons. Also started with Stargate Atlantis which I will watch in the correct sequence in comparison to Stargate SG-1.

Blog written with help from IMdB, screencaps taken from: Gateworld

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