

Hard to follow-up such a successful season 4. In my opinion the 4th season is the season where Stargate SG-1 reaches its full potential. The 4th season always has been my favorite season although challenged by season 7. Having said that, I can only come to the conclusion that season 5 definitely is also an exciting season. There are a few episodes which I find mediocre but even those episodes are well worth watching, if only for the humor which comes back in every episode. This is the last season Stargate SG-1 was broadcast on Showtime, from season 6 on the Sci-fi channel (later rebranded as Syfy channel) was Stargate SG-1’s new home. This is also the season where Richard Dean is there full time, starting from season 6, he is only available for 4 days a week.


As you know, I am watching Stargate SG-1 on Blu-ray. The release has been criticized immensely and I am not saying they are wrong perse, but I am watching it on a 1080p TV and 4K Blu-ray player and I can only say I am really enjoying it. Yes, I know my TV needs updating, but it still works, picture is still more than okay, so I am not in a hurry, especially when I will be forced to agree with most of you when I do have a 4K TV. With my set-up I am really impressed with the picture quality. With each season it seems to become better and knowing that the last 3 seasons SG-1 were shot in HD, it can only become better!

“Enemies” is the first episode of the 5th season and it is the 2nd part of the season 4 finale episode “Exodus”. Apophis is about to destroy SG-1’s ship in another galaxy when another vessel arrives and begins firing on Apophis’ ship. Jacob and SG1 escape, when they later return, they see Apophis’ ship dead in the water, no life signs. While trying to get the ship operational, a transport ship comes close, it is Teal’c and few Jaffa who are loyal to the cause but once on board it is clear that Teal’c has been brainwashed and that Apophis is with them. SG1 is taken prisoner and Jacob is found later also. But Teal’c and the Jaffa bring Replicators with them. Replicators fix the engine, it goes 800x faster than normal and still increasing. Plan is to take the transport ship, but when back in their own galaxy, just as the big ship decelerates, then destroy the hyperdrive and flee. They take Teal’c with them and their plan is successful, Apophis finally seems dead crashing into the planet. Note – Great episode, nice twist at the end although it was a bit uncomfortable to watch Teal’c act like that. In “Threshold” Teal'c has been undergoing rehab but it soon becomes apparent that the brainwashing he underwent when in the service of Apophis still has hold of him. They call on Master Bra'tac to help them out. They remove Teal'c's symbiote and he is obviously in great pain. Bra'tac insists that this is all part of bringing him back and that Teal'c must suffer in order to break his conditioning. It doesn't at all sit well with Dr. Fraiser, but General Hammond agrees with the process. In flashbacks, Teal'c's earlier life is revealed. Note – An intense episode where Teal’c really is suffering. Also very difficult for his colleagues, wanting to help him but Bra’tac telling them this is the only way!


In “Ascension” SG-1 finds a possible destructive weapon on planet P4X-636. As Carter is inspecting it, she feels something passing her by, making a connection and than she passes out. They alien travels back with SG-1 and has taken an interest in Sam. Sam is the only one that sees him and tries to explain this to her colleagues. Hammond believes there may be something wrong with Carter and sends her home. The alien takes the form of a man and calls himself Orlin. He lives with Carter for a while and the rest of SG-1 think she's going crazy. In time, Orlin and Carter fall in love. But the Pentagon finds out about the alien and surround Carter's house. Orlin ascended but like Osala, he was banished for helping people. His punishment was to stay on 636 aka Velona, after the indigenous population starting the use the weapon Orlin helped creating, to use on others. The other ascended beings destroyed the world to fix the mistake Orlin made. Orlin is determined not to let it happen again, in the end he saves Sam by sacrificing himself. The others ascended beings will take him back but at least he was able to save Sam. Guest star: John DeLancie / Sean Patrick Flanery. Note – First appearance of John de Lancie as Colonel Frank Simmons. No he is no Q but he is just as devious and cunning! A joy to him on Stargate SG-1.

In “The Fifth Man” We meet Tyler, who is the fifth member of the SG-1 team! At least, that is what Jack, Daniel. Teal’c and Sam believe. However, when Jack and Tyler remain behind because they couldn’t  make it to the Stargate, Hammond is confused when Sam and the others talk about Tyler as if he was an SG-1 member. Tyler is an alien who can make other races believe they are seeing something different than his true alien identity. Frasier finds out that this is possibly the case when she finds some residue on Teal’c’s uniform, even through the plastic bag she shortly gets images of Tyler. Colonel Simmons (John de Lancie) comes to the SGC and investigate what is happening, actually this seems more like an excuse to remove Hammond and SG1 from the command. Hammond has a fairly good idea who’s behind this, this is political and even Simmons is being used. he does not say the name but it obviously it is senator Kinsey. The alien even tries to save SG-1 by trying to sacrifice himself for them. SG1 sets an ambush for the Jaffa and save Tyler a 2nd time. Note – Another solid episode. I like the political plot and as I said before, John de Lancie as Simmons is just icing on the cake. “Red Sky” is not a bad episode but it does not excite me to watch it. I don’t like these small town villages inhabitants letting fate decide for them instead of individual thinking. Episode annoys me although O’Neill delivers yet again some great quotes! After a rough ride through the stargate to P39-865, the sun of that planet turns red. Carter deduces that an override of stargate protocols allowed them to create a wormhole through the sun, starting a reaction that will cause the sun to die. SG-1 must now make up for their mistake or P39-865 will become incapable of supporting life.


I believe “Rite of Passage” is weakest episode this season where Cassandra, the kid from the first season, which Dr. Frasier took in, is the middle point. Cassandra suddenly develops an overwhelming and powerful urge to return to her home planet. Dr. Fraiser puts her in the SGC clinic and believes she may have a virus but the available anti-viral medication has no effect. The Goa’uld Nirrti has got something to do with it. Note – A bottle show, kind of boring and Cassandra annoys me immensely.  Another episode which is not high on my favorite list is “The Beast of Burden”, when Chaka, the Unas Daniel previously befriended, is captured by humans bearing Goa'uld weapons, SG-1 goes to rescue him. There they find a society in which Unas are treated as slave laborers and, in an attempt to free Chaka, Jack and Daniel are taken prisoner. Note - The message is a good one, about slavery, that the Unas should be free, slavery must be banished. But it was very uncomfortable to watch if you ask me, just could not enjoy this episode because of this and the very annoying Burrock (Larry Drake RIP) did not make anything better.

After 3 less entertaining episodes, “The Tomb” is a few ticks up from the previous ones. SG-1 teams up with a Russian task force to investigate the disappearance of a Russian SG team on P2X-338. They discover that the Russian SG team released a creature that killed Marduk, a Goa'uld, in his sarcophagus. SG-1 must trust their Russian partners in order to escape the ziggurat alive. The Goa’uld escaped via a creature who ate the host alive and again and again because the sarcophagus kept keeping him and the creature alive. The Russians had secret orders to obtain artifacts. Only one Russian soldier made it out alive. Guest star: Jen Halley (BSG 2003). “Between Two Fires” is solid and entertaining episode where we see some more of the Tollan. After the death of Omoc, the Tollan assert that they are now ready to trade technology with the Tau'ri. Negotiations go smoothly, a little too smoothly. SG-1, with the assistance of Narim, investigate the death of Omoc and the Curia's deception of the Tollan people. Narim cannot believe SG-1 gets 38 canons to protect earth from the Goa’uld. Tannith (Peter Wingfield) is blackmailing them, they have found shielding against these cannons and are threatening to attack them. High Chancellor Travell is then forced to create and test a weapon on earth’s stargate but at that time Narim destroys the devices they were ordered to create, a device strong enough it would go right through the Stargate’s iris. The episode ends with the Goa’uld opening fire on the planet while SG-1 goes home through the stargate. Tannith works for a new Goa’uld of whom the name is not necessary to learn by the Tau’ri.

“2001” is the follow-up episode from season 4’s “2010” and like that episode, “2001” is near perfect! SG-1 makes contact with the Aschen, unaware that their home world is one they were warned previously from the future to be considered off-limits. everything seems to good to be true, but Daniel finds out what they are really planning. Kinsey and the president think this is a golden opportunity and think the note proves nothing. But ultimately Carter lets Borren reeds a word Daniel had trouble translating, it said: Sterility. Note – These kind of episodes are truly the icing on the cake. Luckily with Stargate SG-1, these are not rare! Ronny Cox guest stars, which is always a treat! “Desperate Measures” is another strong episode where Sam is kidnapped, taken to an abandoned hospital. They are interested in her because she once was blended with Jolinar and she was able to lose the symbiont again without damage. Their boss, Adrian Conrad (Bill Marchant), is critically ill and knows about the Stargate and such and also bout the symbionts, he wants to blend with the symbiont and remove it immediately after it cured him. Jack asks Maybourne for help, when everything points to Colonel Simmons (John DeLancie), he boomerangs it back to Maybourne. Maybourne has an explanation and he and Jack save Sam from a lobotomy. Because his condition is deteriorating, the doctors blend him with the symbiont and he fools his girlfriend / assistant that he is still in control, he kills her. Jack find Conrad holds him at gunpoint when he is shot in the back by Colonel Simmons (John DeLancie). Simmons takes Conrad with him, holds him prisoner. Note – John de Lancie guest stars again, becoming a recurring character, which is no punishment for us viewers.


Stargate SG-1’s 100 episode “Wormhole Extreme” is so much fun, you know Stargate does not take itself so seriously and this is shown here in this episode. It is a follow-up episode from season 4’s Point of No Return, guest starring Willie Garcon (RIP) as Martin Lloyd. Michael DeLuise (SeaQuest DSV) as Nick Marlowe. You get a look into how a TV series is being created, but taken into the extreme, with directors, producers running around through your screen. A strange ship is headed towards Earth, and the SGC suspects that Martin Lloyd and his companions may have something to do with it. O'Neill is sent to speak to Martin and is assigned as a military consultant on Martin's new show, "Wormhole X-Treme!", which uncannily resembles SG-1 despite Martin once again losing his memory. His former shipmates stall Carter and Daniel by throwing them off the trail and into the hands of the NID. “Proving Ground” is an okay episode, watchable, but that’s it. While SG-1 is conducting training exercises for new recruits, Jack gets a call about a foothold situation. Wounded by compromised officers, O'Neill must lead the recruits in retaking the SGC. Note - I remember my first watch, as a viewer it is obvious that the whole episode is an exercise, which is a pity. Guest star: Grace Park & Elisabeth Rosen (Hailey).

“48 Hours” is a whole different kind of ballgame, an action packed episode with the necessary political intrigue with Colonel Simmons (John de Lancie) and the first time we meet Rodney McKay (David Hewlett) and yes, he is even more obnoxious here then in Stargate Atlantis! Under attack, coming back from a mission through the Stargate, Teal’c , after destroying Tannith’s ship from upclose, goes through the gate but because of the destruction of the ship near the stargate, Teal’c doesn’t come out on the other side. Carter presents a plan to save Teal’c but McKay is basically calling her a stupid blonde for suggesting this plan. Meanwhile they need the help of the Russians to get back the teams that are still out there and they need their DHD to get Teal’c back but they are making it very difficult and with reason I might add. Jack and Maybourne go and find Simmons’ hideout where he is keeping the Goa’uld because he most likely has told Simmons how he can solve this problem. Note - Really great episode with some very nice humor. I said it before, John de Lancie is perfect in his role as Colonel Simmons!


“The Summit” & “Last Stand” is an exciting two-parter where the entire Goa’uld leadership holds a summit and each of them is allowed to bring one human slave. The Tok’ra see this as a perfect opportunity to strike a major blow against the Goa’uld but they needs SG-1’s help in this. Daniel is to become Yu’s personal servant. the plan is to release a poison gas that will kill the Goa’uld symbionts. Daniel is unsure when he also see Osiris/Sarah there, who used to be his girlfriend. She represents a ‘new’ major player amongst the Goa’uld, Daniel and Jacob don’t think it is wise to kill the others because than Anubis, who is not so new by the way, but has been away for a long time, can become very powerful! Note – instead of a serious blow to the Goa’uld, it is in fact the Tok’ra who sustain heavy losses. In “Failsafe” an asteroid is coming to earth and because this is a natural disaster, because of the treaty with the Goa’uld, the Asgard are not allowed to intervene! So SG-1 has to try and save the planet themselves. They do this in a spectacular way and it also becomes clear that the Goa’uld are behind this. Note - What I always find a shame with Stargate stories, the last minute rounding up the story, for instance in this case that Hammond knows they are safe, it what is always missing.

Not a fan of Jaffa stories, “The Warrior” however, I did find engaging. On Master Bra'tac's advice, SG-1 agrees to visit and help the Jaffa rebels training camp of K'tano, former First Prime of Imhotep, a Goa'uld they soon find wasn't even an actual system lord. While the humans grow increasingly suspicious of his cruel and wasteful training methods, Teal'c considers them traditional and agrees to be recruited for a mission to eliminate the system lord Yu-huang Shang Ti, aboard whose ship an uprising is planned. The team does a great job in the camp, demonstrating the value of earthling weapons the Jaffa originally scorned, but learns there is more and worse to K'tano. K’tano was Imhotep and it was a trap to lure all the disloyal Jaffa in one place to kill them all in one attack. Note - O’Neill steals the show with his remarks and questions. “Menace” just annoys me, don’t know what it is with this episode, although, it does start out interesting. I didn’t like the child-like robot and as you know, the Replicators are not that interesting anymore to me. Quote/Note - Daniel to Jack: You stupid son of a bitch. Because Jack shot and killed the robot girl, while according to Daniel, she was about to give the command the replicators to stop advancing.


“The Sentinel” is better than I remembered! To fix a mistake caused by the fake SG team, the real SG-1 must enlist the help of two convicts. The threat of an approaching Goa'uld mothership stresses the repair of the Sentinel. The Goa’uld Svarog wants to rule over these people who have been free from oppression because of this device but NID messed it up by killing the caretaker of the Sentinel. The machine and the caretaker together were the weapon, Grieves sacrifices himself. Guest star : Christina Cox. “Meridian” is a near perfect episode, although a heavy one where we say goodbye, at least temporarily, to Daniel Jackson. SG-1 returns from an off-world mission to P2S-4C3 with Daniel Jackson suffering from what is likely a fatal dose of radiation. On the planet, they dealt with the country of Kelowna and their representative Jonas Quinn. That country was at the same stage of development as the United States in the 1940s and well on their way to creating an atomic weapon using Goa'uld technology found in an ancient temple. Daniel argued against the Kelownans developing such a weapon and is accused of attempting to sabotage the project. As members of the team sit by his deathbed, Daniel receives an unexpected offer from Oma Desala they once met off-world. Note - Jack O’Neill passionately defends Daniel is so good to see, great performance from RDA who really gives his very best. A very moving and emotional episode, especially towards the end, almost perfect episode. Corin Nemec’s first appearance.

The season finale “Revelations” is also a very exciting episode where Goa’uld Orisis challenges an Asgard ship and wins, they have upgraded their shields and weapons and Thor has been taken prisoner. Asgard Heimdall comes to SGC and asks for their help. Meanwhile Sam is struggling with Daniel’s ‘death’ and Jack seems to push it away. Asgard have a lab that mustn’t fall at the hands of the Goa’uld because it is of great importance to the Asgard, they are a dying race who’s only means of reproducing is through cloning which becoming a problem after copy of copy of copy etc. Meanwhile, SG-1 is trying to save Thor, who is now hooked to the ships computer to reveal Asgard secrets, Anubis’ doing who apparently has got his hands on higher advanced technology. 3 superior Asgard vessels come to the rescue when Anubis is chasing SG-1, he makes the right choice and leaves. When the SG-1 time is going for a bite to eat, they all feel a wind passing them by, Jack knows.. it is Daniel.


Final Word:

The 5th season is a strong one, perhaps not as strong as season 4 but it does come close. Only a few episodes that are just average, not even below average or not much below average. For me the weakest was “Menace” and “The Beast of Burden” and the best episodes definitely are “Enemies”, “2001”, “Meridian” and “Revelations”. As I said a strong season with only 3 or 4 weaker episodes so I can’t complain about that. Daniel Jackson sadly is gone in season 6 but I have to say, I really liked Jonas Quinn (Corin Nemec) so I wasn’t that sad Michael Shanks decided to leave after 5 seasons and I was bummed out that Corin Nemec had to leave when Michael Shanks came back in season 7, why not a 5-man team!?

Written with the help of IMdB and screencaps taken from Gateworld.

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