

In my opinion, season two is a bit stronger than the first season. It holds a few gems, episodes like Q-Who, & The Measures of A Man. The season also has a number of lows but on the whole it is a fairly average season but unfortunately the season opener and season finale are both very disappointing. Some things to be excited about, Whoopi Goldberg joins the cast as Guinan and the other excited thing is that the Enterprise gets Ten forward, a place where the crew can spend their downtime. Guinan runs the place there most of the time. Gates McFadden, Dr. Crusher was replaced by Dr. Pulaski (Diana Muldaur). Although I have nothing against Diana Muldaur, I am happy Gates is back next season.

The season starts with “The Child”, Troi is impregnated by an alien entity, the child grows really fast within Troi as well as outside. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is on an emergency mission to collect plague samples for analysis. Wesley is suppose to leave the Enterprise but, he thinks he should act like is expected of him, but when he has a talk with Guinan, he decides to choose for himself and asks Captain Picard to stay. Note: Miles O’Brien 2nd appearance. Certainly not a great episode but not as bad as I remember…yes I am going soft. But still only barely average! On one of the special features it was said that the strike in 1988 was in part the problem, they used scripts from the unproduced 1970’s Star Trek: Phase two project.

“Elementary, dear Data” is also not a favorite of mine. Pulaski challenges Data to a Holmes like story where he really has deduce and not rely on his memory because he read all Holmes’ stories. It goes wrong when LaForge asks the computer that must be able to beat Data. The character Moriarty (Daniel Davis) comes to life and achieves this and more, even outside the holodeck he has powers. When it comes down to it is that Moriarty does not want to cease to exist, he wants to continue, to live. Picard can provide him. Note - I am really not into these kinds of Holodeck stories, there are only a few I really like. Yes, the character Moriarty is really strong, very well portrayed by Daniel Davis, but it is not a story I really look forward to. Still no mention of Tasha, which I find strange.

In “The Outrageous Okona” Enterprise helps a man, a scoundrel with his ship which is damaged, meanwhile he ‘helps’ the women on the Enterprise in a ‘Kirk’ kinda way! B- Story is that Data is trying to learn comedy, making a successful joke. He gets help from Guinan. Note - A-story was mwah at best. B-story was a bit more funny. The stories are average in these first two seasons, for the most part, but the humor is more than okay on TNG. Guest star Teri Hatcher and Billy Campbell & Rosalind Allen (SeaQuest DSV). Quote: Guinan: [explaining to Data why his joke was not funny] Data... you spoiled the joke. But it could have been your timing. Lt. Cmdr. Data: My timing is digital.[Guinan laughs softly] t. Cmdr. Data: What? Guinan: That's funny.

In “Loud as a Whisper” Enterprise is tasked to pick up a peace mediator, Riva, who supposedly is the best. He must end the conflict on a planet that’s been going on for centuries. He however is deaf and therefore has a cabinet of people who speak for him. When they die, he is lost and feels he cannot continue with his task. Troi is able to change his mind. Note - An average episode in my opinion, few nice moments when Data shows Picard he learned the sign language Riva is speaking. Another moment is the end scene where Picard thanks Troi for her services. Early moment, right at the beginning, you see when Riker walks to Picard’s room, he almost cannot hide a smile.


A few upticks is “The Schizoid Man”. An arrogant, Anti-social scientist, Dr. Ira Graves (William Morgan Sheppard), who is dying, sees in Data a perfect vessel to continue his life! He is able to transfer his consciousness over to Data’s and brings the others the news, as Data, that he has died. He also was in love with his much younger assistance Kareen. Note – Great performance Brent Spiner, wouldn’t have minded if Lt. Selar (Suzie Plakson) would have become a recurring character. Suzie Plakson returns later in "Emissary" as another character. Best graded yet.

“Unnatural Selection” is a Dr. Pulaski heavy episode, where the Enterprise encounters a Federation Vessel, who just came from the Darwin genetic research facility on Gagarin IV, where all crew members died of old age in a matter of days. Pulaski thinks she can help by testing one of the children, but then she gets infected herself. She goes back to the facility because she cannot go back to the enterprise but than Captain Picard has an idea that maybe is the solution. Note - Serious episode, still few Data moments which were funny. We learn that Pulaski really wanted to transfer to the enterprise and she holds Picard in a high regard. “Matter of Honor” is again a few ticks below. Riker is participating in an officer exchange. He volunteers to serve on a Klingon vessel called the Pagh as a first officer and the first thing he has to do is beat down the 2nd officer because he wants his position. Note – Fairly average episode, some funny moments on the Klingon ship. Riker as well the Klingons appreciate each others humor. Nice idea though, this officer exchange.

Well everybody knows “The Measures of a Man”, most likely the best episode of the season where Data must fight for his right to live and not to be somebody’s property. Note – A near perfect episode, in a season where the viewer sees Data becoming more human each episode, perhaps more human than some of his colleagues, Maddox wants to prove he is just a machine. Really don’t like this Maddox character. Star Trek at it’s best. I love the scene between Guinan and Picard, when Guinan makes Picard realize this can become some form of slavery. Made me also think about the EMH on Voyager, in season 6, episode “Lifeline” where Lewis Zimmerman, the creator of the EMH, finds it hard to see his creation try and help him while millions of other versions of the EMH are working in waste extraction and other menial tasks and being treated badly. I believe this is the first time Tasha’s name has been mentioned since her death. I actually watched this twice back 2 back! After watching the aired episode, I also noticed an extended version was on the Blu-ray, which was 57 minutes long! It did enhance the episode but the aired episode is more than okay.

In “The Dauphin” Wesley falls for the young future leader, Salia, of Daled IV, unaware just how dangerous the girl's protective (Anya) and overly restrictive guardian can be. Note - I really like the Wes-Salia Storyline, also the scene where Riker and Guinan show Wesley a way to start a conversation with Salia, which Wesley is very uncomfortable with. Other than that, it is an average episode at best. Guest starring: Mädchen Amick. In “Contagion” Captain of sistership Yamato requests the Enterprise to the neutral zone. Its captain is investigating the Iconian’s, a people, believed to be long gone, had the means to travel to other planets like you an me walk from the bedroom to the bathroom. When Yamato gets destroyed after many malfunctions, a Romulan warbird which is decloaking is the first suspect. But it was the still active probe from the Iconian’s. Enterprise as well as the Romulan warbird experience malfunctions, which is an Iconian program both ships received when they downloaded data from the Yamato. When Data gets injured by such a probe, it seems that he dies but in fact his body did a complete shut off, which is also the solution for the Enterprise and the Romulan vessel. Note - 2nd best episode this season till now for me. Both the Iconian thread as also the Romulan storyline is interesting. I wish though there would have been more posturing by the Romulans.

For me “The Royale” might be the worst episode of the season! The Away team Riker, Data and Worf get stuck on a planet where there is apparently a structure, a hotel casino, from what seems the 20th century. Once they get in, it is almost impossible to get out. They learn that an early 21st century spaceship got to this planet, most presumably brought there by aliens. There was only one survivor and lived there the rest of his life. The aliens created this place from a 2nd rate book “The Royale”, thinking that this was how humans lived on Earth. Note - Boring episode, the weakest or one of the weakest episodes till now. Tiny few moments with Data that are funny, like when he was rolling the dice confidently. In “Time Squared” The Enterprise finds a shuttle drifting in space, when they pull it in, it appears to be a shuttle of the Enterprise itself and that model is standing right next to this one. When they open up the shuttle, they see an unconscious Picard while the their Picard is on the bridge. Note - The premise is more interesting than the actual execution. When the story started I got excited, two Picard’s, but after that, my excitement dwindled, it muddled on.

In “The Icarus Factor” Riker is given an promotion opportunity to command his own ship. His father, whom he hadn’t seen in 15 years, is the one who brings him the info about his new assignment. Riker is not happy to see him. Worf is very cranky, he barks at anyone who speaks to him, including Wesley. Wesley finds out that it is a 10 year anniversary of his Rite of Ascension. Wesley and Worf’s friends on the Enterprise make this happen for Worf. Of course Riker decides to stay on the Enterprise because he feels this is the right place for him now. Riker and his father patch things up after an anbo-jyutsu match. Note – More than okay episode, nice moment between Troi and Riker as he still intends, or sees it as a possibility that he might take this command.

In “Pen Pals” Wesely gets his first command, he is excited but also very nervous about it – don’t know why I didn’t like him all those years ago, getting older does that to you I guess. Data is communicating with someone on a planet that is in danger from volcanic eruptions. He even asks Picard for help, who is concerned about the prime directive. Every time he gives in a step further. Data is able to save the girl and Wesely’s team is able to stop the tremors and stop the volcanic activity. Note – Before, I thought I really wouldn’t like this episode, but it was rather an okay episode.


In the top 3 of best episodes this season for sure, perhaps even the first two seasons, Is “Q Who”, Q kidnaps the captain and has a proposition for the captain. He will only listen when Q brings him back to the Enterprise. He has been thrown out of the Q continuum and he wants to come and join the Enterprise as a crew member. When Picard refuses because he thinks he doesn’t need Q, Q throws the Enterprise 7000 light years further, they get to meet a species called The Borg! Guinan’s people have been killed by them (The Borg) by the thousands. Q and Guinan also know each other, Q calls her an Imp. Note - Best episode or at least one of the best episodes obviously. Also best Q episode till now.

The ”Samaritan Snare” is an average episode, Captain Picard needs surgery because his replacement heart is malfunctioning. Because he does not want Dr. Pulaski to perform the procedure, because he does not want anyone else to know, he goes to Starbase 515. Wesley joins him because he has exams there. Meanwhile, the Enterprise responds to a distress signal, a backwards but devious people called the Pakleds, ask help, Riker sends LaForge but they don’t want to give him back afterwards. Note – An okay episode, was annoyed by these Pakled people because of their behavior. I liked Picard/ Wesley scenes on their way to Starbase 515. Also Pulaski’s smugness after Picard realizes that she saved his life.

Well I earlier said “The Royale” was possibly the worst episode the season or beyond that, but “Up the Long Ladder” certainly is a contender for that prize! An antiquated distress signal leads to two lost 22nd century Earth colonies, each facing doom in different ways, one by fire, the other by prolonged cloning. Note - This is Voyager’s Spirit Folks, DS9’s Move Along Home. Forgettable, boring. Yes, it has a few laughing moments but that’s it, and again, Frakes is Kirk! With the title “Manhunt” you are probably are being misled. In this episode it is Lwaxana Troi who is on a manhunt and Captain Picard is her first target! Lwaxana wants Picard but he decides to hide on the holodeck, being Dixon Hill. When Picard is unavailable she even goes after Riker. Note – Majel Barret as Lwaxana Troi again steals every scene she is in, I love it how she accuses Picard of naughty thoughts. The Dixon Hill storyline I find (much) less interesting.

“Emissary” is a good episode, the Enterprise needs to pick up a liaison about a top secret mission. It is like Worf a half Klingon, a female, K'Ehleyr (Suzie Plakson). Worf knows her but is not impressed by her being there. Still they have sex and Worf immediately assumes they will be mates for life which isn’t her idea. Klingon ship from 100 years ago is about to wake up and they still think it is war. Because they are close to Federation colonies and Starbase’s it is prudent to get there before they wake up. K'Ehleyr is convinced that killing them is the only option, which Picard doesn’t agree with, then Worf presents another solution. Note – I really liked this half Klingon woman, she definitely had humor.

“Peak Performance” is also a decent episode, the crew of the Enterprise participates in war games. Riker becomes a captain of a stripped Starfleet vessel and needs to outwit the Enterprise. Riker does give the first blow but then a Ferengi vessel suddenly comes in to play and damages the Enterprise. Now Picard & Data have a daring plan to outwit the Ferengi. Note - Fun episode, Data in self doubt it seems, when he loses a game to Kolrami after Pulaski and others almost forced Data to play against Kolrami. Guest star: Armin Shimerman as Ferengi DaiMon Bractor.

I said it already in the beginning, the season finale “Shades of Gray” is an ordinary clip show, to save money I guess. If this is really necessary, okay, but why as a season finale?! It’s just wrong, a season finale needs to give incentive to go and watch the next season, not this dribble. Riker gets infected and is near death and while the doctor is trying to save his life, she is stimulating his neural pathways which allows him to dream about past experiences. Note - Tasha Yar is also visiting his dreams. And we also look back at the pilot and I was stunned how much Data has changed in appearance in just two seasons.


As you perhaps know is that I watch TNG on Blu-ray and I must say, it looks extraordinary, even season 2 which is regarded as the weakest Blu-ray release in terms of quality. Season two also holds phenomenal special features, besides all the SD extra’s, which has all been transferred from the DVD to Blu-ray, there also is lots of new extra’s to plough through. Audio commentaries, Gag Reel, deleted scenes, a longer version of “The Measures of a Man”, but also 3 features which are really mandatory to watch: Reunification: 25 Years After Star Trek: The Next Generation (HD, 1:01:53), Make it So: Continuing Star Trek: The Next Generation, Part 1: Strange New Worlds (HD, 39:28) & Make it So: Continuing Star Trek: The Next Generation, Part 2: New Life and New Civilizations (HD, 42:01) In this last special feature, Gates McFadden’s departure and Diana Muldaur’s arrival is being discussed. I for one am happy to have Gates McFadden back, but I really think that Diana Muldaur did a great job, I really like the bit of uncomfortable relationship she had with Picard.

Final Word:

Season two is a hit and miss, slightly better than the first season I guess. Of course “The Measures of a Man” is way above the level of the rest of the season two episodes. Yes, the season mostly is average, still I enjoy it a lot. Lots of humor in both seasons, and yes, I like Wesley also, I really hated him back then but now I don’t know why I ever did. Looking forward to seasons 3 & 4, if memory serves, these two seasons are my favorite TNG seasons with terrific episodes like “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, “The Defector”, “The Offspring”, “The Best of Both Words” and many more. Apparently because of the strike in 1988, Star Trek: The Next Generation came close to being cancelled before season two started! I never knew of this! (source: special feature - Make it So: Continuing Star Trek: The Next Generation, Part 1: Strange New Worlds (HD, 39:28))

With the help from IMdB, Screencaps taken from: TrekCore

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