

After writing Marvel’s Agent Carter 10th Anniversary blog back in October 2024, I got the urge to rewatch the short-lived TV show after a hiatus of approximately 8 years! The TV show became possible after Agent Peggy Carter had a vital role in the Captain America movies a few years before. After a successful short movie called “Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter” the TV series was greenlit. It aired in midseason, when Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was on winter hiatus. I immediately was sold, I loved Carter from the get-go, but unfortunately the ratings dropped fast during its two seasons so naturally, it got cancelled. I kept hoping Netflix would pick it up but sadly this didn’t happen. So again, we fan of the “not so much mainstream” got kicked in the head and ABC cancelled it.


Anyway, it is still good to be able to rewatch it. It is available on Disney plus, but of course I much rather watch it on my Blu-ray set, for the best possible quality. “Now is not the End”, the year is 1946, just after the war, Peggy Carter (Haley Atwell) is now a nothing more than a secretary for the Strategic Scientific Reserve. In a meeting with the team, she invites herself into, it is told hat Howard Stark is wanted for treason. Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) asks agent Carter for help when the country believes that he is selling deadly weapons to their enemies. Risking that she herself will be charged for treason she still decides to help Stark.  Stark’s butler, Jarvis (James D’Arcy), is available to her for help. 

Note – Is kind of uncomfortable to watch how agent Carter is nothing more than a doorstop for her colleagues with one exception, Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj). Really enjoyed the fight scenes miss Peggy Carter got herself into.

In “Bridge and Tunnel” Howard Stark's deadliest weapon has fallen into enemy hands, and only Agent Carter can recover it. Stark asks her to help him clear his name, but can she do so before her undercover mission is discovered by SSR Chief Dooley and Agent Thompson? At Roxxon, Carter recognizes scientist Miles Van Ert, who had created the weapons for the mysterious Leet Brannis. Van Ert is arrested and tortured by Thompson until he reveals the name and location of McFee. Peggy convinces Brannis to work together but he soon gets killed. Brannis draws a strange symbol in the dirt as a warning to Carter, before dying. Carter saves the day but her colleagues from the SSR nearing her position. Carter and Jarvis then leave before the SSR agents get there. Peggy reconsiders Martinelli's offer, and moves into the Griffith Hotel, a hostel of sorts for single, proper women. Peggy is relieved her secret remains but, unbeknownst to her, Krzeminski finds the license plate for Howard Stark's car that she and Jarvis had taken to the Roxxon refinery. Note - Jarvis is such a joy to watch, a welcome partnership between Agent Carter and himself, even when she thinks she doesn’t need his help. Without her realizing, she is in need of his services more than she wants to admit.

As Agent Carter closes in on Howard Stark's stolen technology, Peggy's secret mission could unravel when the SSR arrests Jarvis and a secret is revealed. It turns out that Jarvis was accused of treason, although the case was annulled, it is a surprise to Peggy too. And she does want to know more about it. Note - She sets herself up for a fall to save Jarvis from further interrogation when she mentions the file about the stolen car in front of the chief, Jack Tompson and Jarvis. Which means he gets to walk out of there. Peggy gets more than an earful about messing up. Great scene when Jarvis is being interrogated. In part I think she does feel responsible for the death of a colleague, Ray Krzeminski (Kyle Bornheimer), who she did find rude and offensive. Another great fight scene. First appearance of Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan).


In “The Blitzkrieg Button” Peggy may be in more trouble than usual when fugitive Howard Stark suddenly returns for mysterious reasons. She needs to steal one of his inventions from the SSR. But he lies about what it is, and Jarvis reluctantly lies too. It is a vile of Captain America’s blood. Peggy hides him in her room when it becomes clear that the SSR is steaking out his places. Sousa has a lead, a homeless man who used to fought in the war. Thompson belittles Sousa. Chief Dooley chases a new clue all the way to Europe that threatens to destroy Peggy's future at the SSR. Note - Really good episode, best yet, which shows Thompson is a jerk and not only to Peggy but also to Sousa. Peggy feels betrayed by Stark and Jarvis. Dottie kills a man who is about to break into Peggy’s apartment.

In “The Iron Ceiling” Carter finally gets a chance to prove herself as she is sent on a mission in Russia with Agent Thompson and the Howling Commandos. She meets up with the 107th, Dum-Dum Dugan (Neal McDonough) and the other commandos who she has fought with side by side during the war. Jack Thompson does open up to her about his war past in which he gets a cross for bravery but in fact it was the opposite. He also tells Peggy thanks for saving his and the others’ lives. Meanwhile, Agent Sousa makes an important discovery, he sees Peggy’s shoulder and sees similar markings on her shoulder as with the blonde woman on the photograph. Dottie breaks into Peggy’s room, we get a view of her upbringing, which was brutal. Chief Dooley is beginning to believe that there may me more sides to the story about Stark. Note - Really loved this episode, Peggy saving the day, saving Thompson’s ass who froze for a moment. Really annoying how he treats her in the office, but I gather after this episode, this will change for the better.

Another great episode “A Sin to Err” Carter believes that the spy that stole Stark's technology is a woman. She and Jarvis are looking for her. The SSR now knows that Carter is helping Stark. Peggy gets arrested by Sousa after she incapacitated Thompson. There's a new spy in the agency, the man Carter saved in previous episode, turns out to be a spy working together with Dottie. Dottie earlier almost got the opportunity to kill Peggy, but Peggy’s colleagues disturbed her. Note - Peggy gets arrested after a great fight scene. While Peggy is getting closer to the spy, she herself is found out to be working with Stark, one of the best episodes this season.

The last two episodes are most likely the best of the season, in “SNAFU” Carter is being interrogated, believing that she was the perpetrator, while she tries to warn them for Dottie, who is the real spy. Meanwhile Dr. Ivchenko (Ralph Brown) is influencing Chief Dooley. Jarvis panics and comes off with signed confession, written by Stark, in fact Jarvis signed that himself. When Carter sees Dr. Ivchenko messaging at the window, Peggy appeals one more time to her colleagues and it appears that they believe her. While they go look for Dottie in the building across, Dr. Ivchenko has Dooley under control as they go to the lab because he needs item 17 from Stark’s inventions. He also gives Chief Dooley a terminal gift! Dottie and Dr. Ivchenko escape and he and Dottie test item 17 on a group of people in a cinema, it kills everybody in a horrible way, by getting aggressive towards each other and killing each other. Note - So indeed, again I have to say: best episode yet! So much happens in these 43 minutes and I dislike this character Dr. Ivchenko so much. He easily influences the chief to fit with his agenda. The fact that he is willing to kill all those innocent people in the cinema, shows what kind of a monster he is or better, has become.

The season finale “Valediction” is a rollercoaster ride, SSR finds the gas canister in the cinema, by accident Sousa sniffs some in and immediately becomes aggressive, they have to take him out after he punches Thompson and Peggy. This was item 17 that was stolen by Ivchenko. Howard Stark surrenders himself to the SSR and is willing to be bait to catch Ivchenko and Dottie, his real name is Johann Fennhoff. Fennhoff blames Stark for the ensuing massacre he has experienced. The plan goes wrong when Dottie distracts the agents so that Fennhoff can kidnap Stark. Fenhoff uses hypnosis so that Stark thinks he is saving Captain America, but in reality, drops the gas on Times Square. Sousa finds Fenhoff and isn’t susceptible for his words because he wears earplugs! Peggy and Dottie fight, Peggy kicks her a few stories down but still she manages to escape. Peggy manages to convince Stark that Captain America is dead. Carter empties the vile of Captain America in the river. Fenhoff is imprisoned, his cellmate is Arnim Zola (Toby Jones)!

Final Word:

So much happens in the season finale, big fight scene between Peggy and Dottie, Sousa’s earplugs, which prevents him to fall under Fenhoff’s influence. Stark surrenders himself but this unwillingly makes things worse because of Fenhoff’s feelings for revenge and so on. A great season finale, a great season and a shame this only got two short seasons, 18 episodes in total. Well, 18 episodes is better than just 8, so we should be happy I guess, that we even did get a second season because that was not so clearcut when season one was finished. Looking forward to season two!

With help from IMdB & screencaps from IMdB

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