

On August 2, 2009, ABC came with a summer show called Defying Gravity. It was described as ‘Grey’s Anatomy in Space’. This was obviously not clever, it immediately turned away the most loyal viewers you can wish for, sci-fi fans! Yes, it was a bit soapy, there were relationships in the show I could easily do without. But there was also a very interesting sci-fi story unfolding and I was willing to sit through the soapy scenes because it was set on a ship in space, it definitely was a science fiction show and the show did have a number of interesting characters.


The creator James Parriot had multiple seasons in mind, he never got the chance to do this obviously. According to the creator, they weren’t really committed to the show. ABC bought the show 3 weeks before it actually started airing. When it became clear to Parriot that ABC wasn’t really interested, he told the studio to go to Syfy, which they did…but too late because ABC already aired two episodes, so Syfy could no longer brand it as their own show. Mark Stern of Syfy back then, was very interested in Defying Gravity but ultimately it didn’t work because they were called in too late. One explanation Parriot gives is because they initially wanted it to be a network show and not a cable show.

The show was cancelled after 9 episodes, while 13 were produced. It took a while before the last 4 episodes where available on TV. On the DVD release all episodes are available. It is particularly sour that the last 4 episodes of the one and only season where the best of the bunch. The show has been released on DVD in North America and in the UK. The North American release has English subs, they are missing on the UK release.


If there is one show with a huge cast, it is Defying Gravity! Most actors most of you already are familiar with when Defying Gravity aired. Yes, it had an impressive cast with actors like: Ron Livingston as Maddux Donner; Malik Yoba as Ted Shaw; Andrew Airlie as Mike Goss; Paula Garcés as Paula Morales; Christina Cox as Jen Crane; Laura Harris as Zoe Barnes; Ty Olsen as Rollie Crane. These are only half of the entire cast. I thought it was an interesting show, I also liked the set-up, where we see two timelines, the past, where we see these astronauts are trained and in the present where we see these astronauts going up into space.

It is just a shame the show didn’t really get a chance to evolve, the tag line ‘Grey’s Anatomy in Space’ did not help. I for one never seen an episode of Grey’s Anatomy, but because I love sci-fi, I decided to give this show Defying Gravity, a chance. I found it to be an interesting show. But, as it is so often with sci-fi shows, it was cancelled way too soon. If you are interested in more information about the ‘would be’ future of the show Defying Gravity, click on this link, where you will read an interview with James Parriot about the show.

Final Word:

So yes, on August 2nd, Defying Gravity turns 15! A show which is forgotten by most of you and even more people probably never heard of it. I’ve said it many times, I just don’t understand why people keep watching the same rubbish for 10-15 seasons of a procedural show or something and ignore a show like this. In this case however the lack of advertising by ABC is also a reason! I for one will keep rewatching the show on my DVD set every few years.

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