

Little less than two months ago I wrote a Farscape blog on this page about the pilot, about me starting to re-watch the series again, after a 4 year break or something. For the first time ever I was able to watch Farscape with English subtitles, on the 2011 Blu-Ray release. In the last two months I watched 2 to 3 episodes a week and all in all I quite enjoyed it. I enjoyed it much more than the previous times I watched it. Why that is, well perhaps because it's a better picture quality, perhaps because of the subtitles or because I'm a bit older and appreciate the series a bit more than I did 4 years ago.


I have to admit, after the pilot episode their were 4 to 5 episodes which were mediocre at best, I was beginning to get worried but episode 7 "PK Tech Girl" for me, was the best episode since the pilot and in this episode you began to see how great Farscape could become. After this episode the quality became better and better with episodes like "That Old Black Magic", "DNA Mad Scientist", "They've Got a Secret", "Durka Returns", "A Human Reaction".

It really became interesting at the end of the season, episode 18 "A Bug's Life" was a lead in for the following fantastic episodes. When Moya is forced to dock with an approaching Peacekeeper vessel, Aeryn and Crichton masquerade as Peace-keepers guarding the rest of the crew. The PK soldiers bring on board a mysterious crate; within is contained an intelligent virus, which accidentally infects Chiana. The virus is exceedingly deadly, taking over the minds of its victims. The two crews form an uneasy alliance in order to track down the virus, but it is nearly impossible to tell who will be infected next.


Episode 19 "Nerve" continues on the last one, Aeryn Sun has been injured during the last episode, to survive Aeryn needs a vital tissue graft and this is only obtainable from another Peacekeeper who also has to be a match. Because the PK soldiers from "A Bug's Life" told them where this secret PK base is, Crichton has a plan to get a hold of the much needed tissue. He and Chiana disquise themselves as Peacekeepers and infiltrate the secret base. On the base Crichton meets Gilina, the Peacekeeper tech he met on the Zelbinion (1x07 PK Tech Girl).

She is able to obtain the graft but before Crichton can escape to cure Aeryn, he is discovered by Scorpius, a Sebacean/Scarran hybrid. Scorpius subjects Crichton the the Aurora chair, a device that uses torture to extract memories from it's victims. Scorpius discovers a memory in Crichton's mind which has been planted by the ancients, which Crichton was not aware of. it contains information about how to create wormholes. Scorpius tells Crichton that the base has been made especially for creating wormholes. Scorpius also sees Crais in Crichton's memories and orders Crais to the base. Meanwhile Gilina and Chiana are devising a plan to free Crichton. Scorpius wants the memories about the wormhole from Crichton's mind but somehow Crichton is able to resist, most likely because of the ancients. Crichton is hiding something but this has nothing to do with wormholes. When he's thrown into the cell he meets Stark, who has been there 2 cycles already, he has been lots of times in the Aurora chair already.


Meanwhile, on Moya, Aeryn is doing worse, the cannot hold on much longer, by connecting Aeryn to Moya, Zhaan is able to stabilize Aeryn. Back on the base, Crais arrives, and Gilina and Chiana find John and he tells Chiana where he has hidden the graft. And when he tells her she has to try to escape without him to get the tissue graft to Aeryn, Gilina now knows Crichton has romantic feelings for Aeryn. Crais then goes to Crichton and tells him he has caught his friends on Moya in order to threat their lives so Crichton will give up his secret. But Crais does not know Aeryn is ill and so Crichton knows Crais is lying to him. Crichton again is going on the Aurora chair, again to be tortured, but this time by Crais. In the middle of the interrogation there is a lot of commotion, no power, caused by Gilina, in order for Chiana to escape the base. When Scorpius hears that Chiana has escaped, Scorpius knows Crichton has had help from the inside, Scorpius thinks he can make Crichton talk.

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