Contains mild spoilers!



In 2019 I finished a rewatch of the first 5 seasons on Blu-ray! I really was excited for the next two and final seasons and was anxiously awaiting for them to be released on Blu-ray! Well we now all know that in Europe seasons 6 & 7 haven’t been released on Blu-ray and it is highly doubtful they will ever be released there. In Japan however both seasons have been released but they are way too expensive anyway for me to purchase. So finally I gave in, watched the sixth season on Disney Plus because I so much wanted to see it. But as you might know, season 7 still hasn’t been released in Europe on Disney Plus, at least not where I live. A full year after season 7’s original run ended. (update: after I have written this blog, mere days after I finished watching it, it now has been released on Disney Plus in my country!) First let me tell you that I think it’s not respectful to the folks who purchased the first 5 season on Blu-ray/DVD, to let them hanging for these last two short seasons.


I was lucky because without realizing, a friend of mine did purchase the Japanese release! He reluctantly lend me the box and in three days I watched the 7th and final season! I am very happy that I finally could finish one of my favorite TV shows in the last decade but I am still very disappointed that the last two seasons still haven’t been released on Blu-ray!


I find it hard to write a first watch or a rewatch on such a relatively young show, especially the last two seasons, because I don’t want to spoil anything for people who haven’t had the opportunity to watch it. So I will try to divulge as little as possible. I’ve read some comments online about season 6 that it was a season of lesser quality as the previous seasons but I definitely do not have the same opinion. I thought it was a fun and entertaining season. Not everything was perfect, some things I would have liked to see differently but on a whole I was very pleased with this season. All my favorite characters were still there, what I also love about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that it has become more and more SCI-FI! It of course already was SCI-FI but in the last seasons more and more became an intergalactic story, space travel, going to planets and such.

For me, I feel Fitz and Simmons are perhaps my favorite characters, I love them, I need for them to end up together, happy! I’ve had this feeling all through the 7 seasons. Coulson is also a favorite of mine. I was happy he did return for seasons 6 and 7 but I liked the Coulson version in season 7 better, more like the Coulson we know from seasons one through five. To be honest, there isn't a character I really don't like, every character has something special, something unique. Though I have to say I had to really get used to Deke but after half a season or something, that feeling was gone too! Like we were used to in the previous seasons, every season has a story-arc, also the case with the last two seasons, this is what attract me also a lot to this show, not a single filler episodes, there isn’t one episode I would consider mediocre in both seasons 6 and 7.


Although I think season 6 is quite entertaining, it is my opinion that season 7 is superior to season 6. I really had a great time with the last season, a season with time-travel, space travel. Like Stargate, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. also does not take itself all too seriously at times, which I truly love. And if you in your 40s or older you especially are going to appreciate this last season. Although there was one character absent for too long, which really bothered me. That is the only thing that bothered me about season 7. Perhaps it was because the actor in real life had a movie deal or something, I don’t know but the character really was missed! Luckily the character was there for the finale episodes.

Because a season is basically one story, I always find it hard to name favorite episodes but for season 6 I think “Collision Course” Parts One and Two and the final three episodes of season 6: “From Ashes to Ashes”, “The Sign” and “New Life”. For season 7 I find it even harder to name favorites because each episodes is top-notch, very entertaining, exciting, a real rollercoaster ride. But I want to mention episode 7x07 “The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D”, not that it was so much better than other episodes but more because it really was fun and it had a lot of references to the era of the time the episode takes place! And of course the two finale episodes are truly fantastic, “The End Is at Hand” and “What We're Fighting For”. I thought it was a satisfying ending, perhaps not everybody will feel the same but I suppose this will be different for everybody.


Final Word:

I realize I really found it hard to write this blog, I really don’t want to spoil anything because so many people have not yet had the opportunity to watch the last two seasons. I believe Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. truly is underappreciated, this is by far one of the most exciting TV shows of the last decade, I like it better than all those exciting Marvel movies. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is about family, this team we follow these 7 seasons are a family and as a viewer you really get to belong to that family. This is a show you can rewatch over and over without ever getting bored, so make sure you do!

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