FROM was released on February 20, 2022. The show was renewed for a 3rd season which will arrive on September 22nd, 2024.


The premise: In a nightmarish town in middle America that traps everyone who enters, unwilling residents fight to stay alive and search for a way out. But they are plagued by the threats of the surrounding forest including terrifying nocturnal creatures.


It is mainly horror but there is also a bit SCI-FI part, and also a bit of mystery there. When I first watched the show I really was excited, still am I have to say, can't wait for season three, it was a long wait, most likely due to the strike from last year, 2023. Season two ended in June 2023.


It is a show I can only recommend, this is great stuff, great acting, very scary, it keeps you on the edge of your seat, that's for sure. For me this is definitely one of the most exciting shows of the last few years.


It is from the executive producers of LOST, this is indeed noticable, but please don't give us the same series finale LOST got! Because then watching it will have been a waste of time!

Season One:

  1. Long Day's Journey Into Night
  2. The Way Things Are Now
  3. Choosing Day
  4. A Rock and a Farway
  5. Silhouettes
  6. Book 74
  7. All Good Things…
  8. Broken Windows, Open Doors
  9. Into the Woods
  10. Oh, the Places We'll Go

Season Two:

  1. Strangers in a Strange Land
  2. The Kindness of Strangers
  3. Tether
  4. This Way Gone
  5. Lullaby
  6. Pas de Deux
  7. Belly of the Beast
  8. Forest for the Trees
  9. Ball of Magic Fire
  10. Once Upon a Time...

Season Three:

  1. Shatter
  2. When We Go
  3. Mouse Trap
  4. There and Back Again
  5. The Light of Day
  6. Scar Tissue
  7. These Fragile Lives
  8. Thresholds
  9. Revelations: Chapter One
  10. Revelations: Chapter Two

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Boyd Stevens

Jim Matthews

Tabitha Matthews




Julie Matthews

Kristi Miller



Father Khatri

Sara Myers


Source Characters: TheTVDB

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