Blogs that have been posted here are written between 2013 and 2016. Thought it would be interesting to read this in hindsight, if not, it's simply a way to preserve this info. The links that are being referred to, aren't no longer active!
Most Interesting developments in the last 14 months
It was May 2015 when I tried this for the last time, a lot has happened in the mean time, I'm not sure I am going to be complete, I may miss some upcoming shows but I'm sure you will
let me know if and when you read this. It's a lot of info I gathered, so I hope this isn't too much of a read. I created an index so you can skip which is not interesting for you.
- Cancelled this year
- Renewed
- Upcoming new shows late 2016, beginning 2017
- News about (possible) new shows beyond winter 2017
- Blu-Ray releases
Cancelled this year:
Unfortunately "Agent Carter" has been cancelled by ABC on May 12, 2016 after the show saw steadily decreasing-to-low viewership and what's even more disappointing was that Netflix did not want to take over "Agent Carter". Syfy show "Hunters" was cancelled also after only one season of 13 episodes on July 8, 2016. CBS' "Person of Interest" was also cancelled after 5 seasons, the fifth season concluded the show with 13 episodes. "Minority Report", which aired on the FOX network, was cancelled on May 13, 2016. Initially 13 episodes were ordered, but FOX soon cut the order to 10 episodes. I believe that was it, so on that front, regarding sci-fi, it could be worse.
Most of the sci-fi shows (or shows with sci-fi elements) have been renewed for another season, this is particularly good news. The most recent renewals, September 1, 2016, are, for me, the most exciting ones! Both "Dark Matter" and "Killjoys" have been renewed for a third season. It was touch & go there because the ratings weren't stellar but luckily Syfy renewed them anyway, probably because they are Canadian produced shows, which makes them less costly for Syfy. Others shows which have been renewed and will begin airing soon (Fall 2016/Winter 2017): "The Flash" (season 3); "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" (season 4); "Legends of Tomorrow" (season 2); "The 100" (season 4); "Supergirl" (season 2); "12 Monkeys" (season 3); "Colony" (season 2); "The Expanse" (season 2), expected early 2017; "Humans" (season 2), expected late this year in the UK, early next year in the US. "Sense8" (season 2) expected around X-Mas, first episode is a X-Mas episode, early 2017 the rest of season 2.
Syfy's "12 Monkeys" was a bit of a surprise to me because the ratings are even worse than last years' "Helix", but I am glad because I like season 2 even more than it's first. "The Expanse" was renewed quite fast by Syfy, this show does cost a lot of money but luckily Syfy granted it a second season even though the ratings weren't stellar here either. "Colony" is another favourite of mine, really glad it got renewed by USA cable network.
Then there are shows which have been renewed for another season which will have a chance to see beyond Winter 2017. Of course the earlier mentioned "Dark Matter" & "Killjoys" (season 3), both probably will air in summer 2017; "Orphan Black" renewed for it's fifth and final season; "Wynonna Earp" (season 2) Haven't seen this yet, so no sure if it belongs here; "Jessica Jones" (season 2), has been renewed but according to wikipedia will season 2 not debut until 2018. Season 2 is filmed back to back with the new limited Netflix show "Defenders". This will air in 2017. "Daredevil" (season 3), not sure when this will be available on Netflix. "The Last Ship" (season 4 & 5) TNT ordered two new seasons instead of just one! One is difficult for a TV show let alone two seasons! Season 4 will probably air in summer 2017; Then there is also some good news regarding a possible 11th season of "The X-Files". Will probably won't air before 2018 but there is a chance there will be a few more episodes this time, perhaps 8 or 10 or even 13 episodes. Last one I have is the fantastic new Netflix show "Stranger Things" which has been renewed for a slightly bigger season (9 instead of 8 episodes)
Upcoming New Shows late 2016, beginning 2017
First of all, I want to mention is HBO's "Westworld" which is finally going to premiere next month, October 2nd. I already wrote about this blog in May last year, expecting it to debut late 2015 of beginning of 2016, but now it's finally here. NBC is bringing a time travel show called "Timeless". This show will premiere October 3rd.
Syfy is bringing 3 new shows in the final months of 2016. The first one is called "The Aftermath" (Premieres September 27) - The show is centred on the Copeland family, a couple with three almost-grown children, who struggle to survive as civilization comes to an end around them. The second one is "Incorporated" (Premieres November 30), The show centres around a young man who infiltrates a highly dangerous corporate firm in order to save the woman he loves. (not yet sure if it belongs here). The third one is called "Blood Drive" (No premiere date yet) - Set in a near-dystopian future, the series features a former cop, played by Alan Ritchson, who is forced to take part in a death race in which cars run on human blood as fuel.
Netflix brings "Luke Cage", will be available on September 30th, I think you will get the whole season (13 episodes) at once, like "Daredevil" and "Jessica Jones". Netflix will also bring a Time Travel drama called "Travelers". The lead character will be played by Eric McCormack (Will & Grace & Perception). The show is a co-production between Netflix and the Canadian network Showcase. It first will premiere on Showcase in October and then shortly after it will be available on Netflix. The first season will contain 12 episodes.
Finally I want to mention one I'm really looking forward to myself, National Geographic comes with an event series called "Mars". Mars is a hybrid scripted/documentary which will premiere worldwide in November of this year. Created by Brian Grazer and Ron Howard!
News about (possible) new shows beyond winter 2017
The most important of course is the new Star Trek series which called Discovery! Initially the plan was that it would premiere January 2017 but last week CBS all access announced that Discovery is delayed till May 2017 so the creators get a little more time and don't need to rush. Of course on the one hand a bit disappointing but I'd rather have to wait a few more months so they can make it as good as possible.
Netflix announced "The Punisher" as also "Defenders". "Defenders" will premiere somewhere in 2017, no clue when "The Punisher" will premiere, presumable early 2018. Netflix also ordered a remake of the sixties TV Show "Lost in Space". Really looking forward to that, will premiere somewhere in 2018.
Last week Syfy announced that they ordered a pilot called "The Machine", of course derived from the movie. Syfy also announced a pilot for "Happy!". TV show pilot based on the Grant Morrison and Darick Robertson graphic novel of the same name. Amazon ordered a pilot for a possible TV Show set in outer space! Show is called "Strange New Things" based on the book "The Book Of Strange New Things". Zachary Levi (Chuck) is developing a CIA/Sci-Fi Thriller "Unidentified" for NBC.
Blu-Ray releases:
Well here some updates about TV shows which have gotten, or are going to get, a blu-ray release. I will only mention the exceptional ones, not standard releases like "The Flash".
First one I want to mention of course is "The Complete Series of The X-Files", released in December last year. The 10th season has also been released few months ago.
"Warehouse 13 - The Complete Series" has also been released on Blu-ray in Germany, UK and the US and perhaps some more countries. The UK set is very affordable as is the German set. "Eureka - The Complete Series" already has been released in Germany on blu-ray in 2014.
"Colony - Season 1" - Did not get a US release, in fact, at this time it's only planned to be released on blu-ray in France. You can order it already but it's not yet released because it has not yet been broadcast there.
"Dark Matter - Season 1" - Only released on Blu-Ray in North America, and is also region A coded unfortunately. On the other hand "Killjoys - Season 1", has been released in multiple countries on Blu-Ray. "The Expanse - Season 1" - At time only released on Blu in North America, region A en B compatible.
"Jessica Jones - Season 1" - Is getting a Blu-Ray release in Germany, according to Amazon.de the first season will be released there in December 8th, 2016.
"Daredevil - Season 1" - After a long wait this Netflix show finally gets a Blu-Ray release in multiple countries.
"SeaQuest DSV - Seasons 1 & 2" - Late last year the first season already was released in Australia and New Zeeland, season two was delayed there until November 2016. Now the first two seasons also get a release in Germany. Season 1 already has been released last month and season 2 will be released on October 27, 2016. Good news about the German release is that there is of course an English soundtrack but also English subtitles! Hopefully season 3 will be announced soon because I like that better than the second season.
"Humans - Season 1" - Released in Australia/New Zeeland and in North America. North-American release is region coded A unfortunately.
This is it, quite a lot info, I will try to keep this up but with less time in between so it won't be so much at once next time. Hope you find this information useful, till next time.
TV developments
It's that time again, another blog about what we can expect in the comings months, what has been decided for which TV Series. Last week there were a lot of decisions for TV series on the networks, below you can find out what we will and won't see in the coming months, goes beyond network stations of course.
Let's start with the news about which TV series coming back and which aren't, and which have been picked up by the network TV stations. ABC announced earlier this week, that Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Marvel's Agent Carter will be renewed for respectively it's third and second season! Agent Carter, will, as is expected, replace Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in their winter break. There also was talk of a spin-off, but as it stands now, ABC has decided not to go forward with that. On June 1st The Whispers (formerly known as The Visitors) will premiere on ABC. It’s the tale of an alien invasion of Earth, but through kids so I'm not sure if I can watch this because usually kids like that are annoying.
Already renewed a few months ago where the CW's The 100 (season 3) and The Flash (season 2), they however also picked up another spin-off from The Flash/Arrow (which is also been renewed), called "DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Don't know if this is the final title, but it's a work title for the time being. The Messengers turned out not to be sci-fi and has already been cancelled after 3 episodes. The CW also ordered Cordon, an epidemic thriller with Claudia Black in one of the lead roles, slating to premiere in the Fall of 2015.
FOX picked up Minority Report, of course derived from the 2002 Tom Cruise movie and of course loosely based on a short story with the same name by Phillip K. Dick. Since I do not have much faith in sci-fi series on FOX, I think this while only live one season, but we will have to see if FOX can prove me incorrect. The other one we are waiting for of course is the revival of The X-Files, which, if I'm not mistaken, will premiere in January 2016. Perhaps if this event series is (very) successful, we hopefully will see at least one more event series with the title The X-Files. This month FOX also brings Wayward Pines, but I'm still not entirely sure if this is anything to do with sci-fi
CBS is normally not known for much sci-fi but it's undeniably that Person of Interest, which began as a procedural TV series, has grown into a fascinating series with definitely some sci-fi elements. Currently it's one of my favourite TV series. CBS broke the news on May 11th that Person of Interest was going to be renewed for season five, later on though they clarified that it will be a shortened fifth (and likely final) season, 13 episodes, like they did with The Mentalist. Although not everybody will agree with me, but I'm okay with it, it gives the creators enough episodes to tie up loose ends, giving the viewer closure. CBS also ordered Super girl, directly to series, which is a bit unusual. Not sure what to think of this one, but I will check it out nonetheless. Of course CBS does have some sci-fi shows in the summer season, Under the Dome, which enters it's third season this July and also Extant, with Halle Barry, which starts it's second season this July as well.
NBC only has one sci-fi (ish) series which starts in the fall and this is of course Heroes Reborn with Chuck's Zachary Levi in one of the lead roles. I stopped watching Heroes after 2+ seasons but with Levi as one of the lead actors, I will give this event series a chance. If this is successful, this also could continue with a new event series or even a standard series.
Netflix started with Marvel's Daredevil last April, to my surprise all 13 episodes were available right away! Since I have Netflix I watched this new series and I have to say, I love it, and I'm glad that Netfix decided early on to renew Daredevil for a second season. In the coming years Netflix will bring 4 more Marvel series. Another long awaited series is Sense8 (trailer), from Babylon 5's J. Michael Straczynski and the Wachowski family. Netflix recently announced Sense8 will premiere on June 5 worldwide.
Syfy has some of it's most anticipating TV series almost due to premiere! It has been 4 years since there was a sci-fi series which was set in space, that of course was Stargate Universe. Universe was cancelled in the beginning of 2011. Since then, Syfy created series which have been much less sci-fi, but now they are finally returning to space with 3 new TV series! The first one is Dark Matter (trailer), which premieres on June 12, with 13 episodes, the second one is Killjoys (trailer), which starts on June 19, with 10 episodes. The third one, The Expanse (trailer), will most likely premiere in November of this year with also 10 episodes. Let's hope these three series will all well written and successful so they won't be cancelled after only one season.
Helix has recently been cancelled after only 2 seasons. The ratings had dropped significantly so Syfy almost had no choice to cancel it. 12 Monkeys has been renewed for a second season, will most likely return in January 2016. Defiance will return with it's third season next month, on June 12. Last year I read somewhere, couldn't find it anymore, that, if Defiance would be renewed again, for season 4, it would get back into space!
Syfy's event series Childhood End will premiere in December 2015. Syfy is also working together with Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television for creating Brave New World, it's just been announced, so no more info at this point. DMZ is probably D.O.A, as well as Pax Romana and Clone.
Showcase renewed Continuum for a shortened fourth and final season, pity it apparently did not bring in enough viewers to grant a full season because I really love this series. Luckily Showcase did decide to give the show a decent ending and so we can thank them for granted Continuum 6 more episodes. The last season of 6 episodes is slated to premiere on July 26, 2015 on Showcase.
HBO has ordered a first season of the remake of the 73's movie Westworld. Not word yet when this is going to premiere, but I presume it will be late 2015 of early 2015.
TNT's Falling Skies will begin it's fifth and final season on June 28, 2015, while The Last Ship's second season will premiere on June 21.
BBC America renewed Orphan Black for it's fourth season after only 3 episodes were aired of it's third season. At the moment I do not know when Doctor Who will return, presumably it will be in August/September 2015. On March 26 of this year, Doctor Who 2005 had it's 10th anniversary, see blog here.
AMC is bringing Humans (trailer), which premieres next month on June 1st. It's an adaptation of Sweden’s Real Humans, it also stars William Hurt, Katherine Parkinson, Tom Goodman-Hill, Colin Morgan, Rebecca Front, Neil Maskell. The eight-part series is written by British duo Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley (Spooks, Spooks: The Greater Good). A UK date for Channel 4 has yet to be set.
Amazon ordered a full season of The Man in the Castle. It's about A glimpse into an alternate history of North America. What life after WWII may have been like if the Nazis had won the war.
Other news:
Last month news broke the Paramount wants to bring Galaxy Quest to the TV screen! Katee Sackoff will star in a Futuristic TV Series For Reunion Pictures called Rain. (Again) Fox wants to remake the TV series Alien Nation with Marvel writers. Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk have created a web series called Con Man, based on crowd funding, which was very successful. Back in January, Star Trek Voyager celebrated it's 20th anniversary, see blog here.
Last week, TVShowsOnDVD announced that Special Unit 2, finally was going to be released on DVD! Great news because I love this TV series which ran in 2001/2002. It will most likey only be a region one release, but luckily I have a region free Blu-ray/DVD player!
My last blog I wrote about "Red Mars" drama, with the involvement Babylon 5's J. Michael Straczynski. The TV series adaptation, named after the first book in the trilogy, has been on fast-track development at Spike since the network took in the project in October with HBO’s Game Of Thrones co-executive producer Vince Gerardis as producer and Robinson as consultant. I however haven't heard anything since about this project so I'm not sure if this is something we can look forward to in the near future. Same is for the Babylon 5 feature which J. Michael Straczynski announced back in August 2014, besides that news item, I haven't heard anything about it anymore, think this is D.O.A. too, I however love to be mistaken regarding the new B5 movie, as well as the Red Mars project.
Last month I also said that Bruce Boxleitner's Lantern City was dead, I still think it's dead but because I'm still a Lantern citizen, I received an email that they, the creators, were going to create a comic book story of Lantern City. Same with NBC's Revolution, which was cancelled last year in May, last month it was announced that they were going to go on in comic book form.
No news over Halo, the TV series, although I've read here that it would premiere in the fall of 2015.
This is it, I don't know if I'm complete, but for the most part I think I am, if not, please let me know in the comments, I will make a note of it for my future blog.
Most interesting TV Series Developments in the last 3/4 months.
A lot has happened in these last 4 months, a number of possible TV series have definitely been cancelled unfortunately, some current TV Series have been cancelled but there finally also have been a few positive signs for the coming 18 months! For the first time in over 3 years we are going to have not one but two regular space series and a mini series! More on that later. I first wanted to inform you which possible TV Series I spoke of in the last few months are definitely been cancelled.
Cancelled/Highly Probable Cancelled Projects:
As I hinted at in my last blog, USA network decided not to go forward with the pilot called Horizon with Ruth Bradley (Primeval & Grabbers). This is one I really was looking forward to. Another is Line Of Sight, on the AMC network, lead player was David Morrissey (The Walking Dead, Doctor Who). High Moon, a possible TV Series for Syfy also has officially been cancelled.
Than there are projects which have been silent for so long I think are dead also but not yet had any confirmation. Blake's 7 Reboot, consider it dead, it would be a miracle if this still was moving forward. Clandestine (Syfy) also dead. I think Lantern City also falls under this category, reluctantly because I want this to succeed. It has a great cast, a great sci-fi drive behind it in the name of Bruce Boxleitner but I fear it's dead. Then there is Incursion, from Starz, back in February CEO Albrecht said the project was still alive but that's the last we heard of it. I won't mention this projects anymore unless there is some real positive news or confirmed bad news.
New Series/Seasons this summer:
Falling Skies returns this summer with it's fourth season on TNT. TNT also brings The Last Ship this summer, the first trailers are already on YouTube or here. This year we can enjoy 12 episodes instead of the usual 10 episodes. CBS brings the second season of Under The Dome and will also bring a Halle Berry series called Extant. Like UTD it's initially a miniseries, but if the ratings are very good, a same scenario could be a possibility with Extant. June also marks the return of the second season of Defiance, the first trailers make you want to wish it was already June 19! HBO's The Leftovers also starts in June after a two week delay.
(Possible) New Series Next Fall/Midseason/2015:
Well there are quite some new TV Series coming later this year and/or next midseason.
The CW will bring a spin-off from Arrow, called (The) Flash, another one is called The Messengers, which like The Flash, also has been picked up to series!
NBC only had one possible sci-fi series on schedule for next fall, Tin Man, but chances are virtually nil at the moment, NBC has ordered a large number of new series already and Tin Man wasn't among them.
ABC brings three new sci-fi TV Series, the first one of course is Agent Carter because of the the renewal of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which made this possible, the second was called The Visitors but now has been re-dubbed as The Whispers and the last one is Forever, not sure if it's more fantasy than sci-fi but perhaps we will find out. The pilot of Forever has been very well received.
Syfy ordered space oriented miniseries called Ascension, which will be expected to air somewhere in November this year. Really great news of course, the first actress has been cast, Tricia Helfer (nr 6 from the Battlestar Galactica Reboot). Syfy really coming through for us Sci-fi fans because besides the earlier mentioned miniseries Ascension, Syfy also ordered two new series, no not pilots but two 10-episode first seasons! The first one is called The Expanse and the second one is Killjoys. Both TV Series are expected to premiere somewhere in 2015! Finally Syfy returns back to it's roots, thankfully! Syfy also ordered a 13-episode first season of 12 Monkeys which presumably start early next year. And just last week it was announced they (Syfy) are developing a series called Clone, a derivative from a comic. Not yet picked up as a series.
Lifetime ordered earlier this year a 10-episode first season of The Lottery. The lead actress is Marley Shelton and the premise looks very interesting.
HBO ordered a pilot called Pharaoh, The series doesn’t have a full pickup yet, but it’s an intriguing project, and Scott’s involvement should give it a leg up in the pilot process. The concept could be a fun one to dig into, combining historical fiction and some nice sci-fi angles.
BBC America order an 8 episode first season called Intruders, from a 2007 novel. Not sure if it leans more to sci-fi or supernatural but we will find out. Not sure when it premieres but this could well be sooner than later .
Amazon ordered a 10 episode first season of Chris Carters The After. The pilot was received very well which was accessible for Amazon customers.
And apparently not yet dead, AMC's Area 51 is still progressing! Was such a long time since I've heard anything about it I dismissed it but last month it was said it was still in progress with Chris Carter as executive producer! AMC has a few more projects on the horizon which are sci-fi related.
One I keep hoping for, Space 2099, although it's a slow...very slow process but I choose to believe Jace Hall that this will become a TV series. Latest news the Space 2999 website is that they are working in it behind the scenes with ITV.
Netflix will bring Sense8 in the fall of 2014. A cooperation of J. Michael Straczynski and the Wachowski family. Of course Netflix is busy with five Marvel projects but i do not know the currect progress. Perhaps in the next one (blog).
This week the USA Network announced a project in development called Colony and this is suppose to be an Alien Invasion thriller! Sounds interesting, it has been a few years since the network did sci-fi, that was The 4400, earlier this year they decided to drop Horizon as a TV Series, so first I have to see before I believe!
Microsoft X-Box is in the process of creating a live series called Halo and last week it was announced that Showtime is a possible candidate to air these episodes also.
Barbarella has landed at Amazon, the same initial deal as Chris Carter’s The After got. A pilot will be created, all Amazon customers can watch it for free and if it’s well received, it could mean a series order.
Status of current TV Series:
Syfy's Helix has been renewed for season two, will premiere somewhere in 2015. Haven has been renewed for 26 episodes! Warehouse 13 will end after it's current season (Five). Metal Hurlant Chronicles had it's premiere on Syfy last April, both seasons, not sure yet about it's future though.
Orphan Black second season has been a great ratings success till now so this is bound to get a third season.
Till now I did not treat Person of Interest but last few years it has proven to be more and more sci-fi when it started out more of a procedural. POI has been renewed for season 4.
Again FOX disappoints Sci-Fi fans by cancelling Almost Human after only 13 episodes. What reason could we possibly have to ever watch something on FOX again!? Almost Human was fresh, funny, great lead actors, good stories. One of the best new TV Series this season but all that was not enough, Almost Human does not get a second chance on FOX.
The CW made some cuts too, The Tomorrow People and also Star-Crossed has been cancelled and they renewed The 100! Don't think anybody predicted that beforehand.
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Well it's finally announced and I have to say I'm relieved, SHIELD has been renewed for a second season and with that Agent Carter has been picked up! Gonna be exciting times in the next two years!
Revolution and Intelligence, both shows have little chance to a renewal, Revolution's chances weren't that great but with the pick up of Constantine by NBC, the chances of Revolution for a renewal is nil. Intelligence, I fear it doesn't have a chance either, hope I'm wrong though, i liked it.
Continuum, no word yet, I cannot get a single rating of season three, so I do not have any info if it's doing well.
What are the most interesting new upcoming developments regarding sci-fi TV projects?
Last October I wrote a similar blog, some of those projects have really been moving forward, a lot them did not, at least, do not seem to be moving forward. For now, still no real space travelling TV series on the horizon, except for the already mentioned possible Blake's 7 and Space 2099, I will come back to them later.
Well, not a surprise there, but CBS's Extant, with Halle Berry in the lead role, is progressing rather nicely, a lot of new cast members have been added in the last few weeks and last month the first clip has been released online. The series will premiere on July 3rd. Chris Carter's pilot of The After is already available on Amazon.com since February 6th. If you have an standard Amazon account, you are able to watch the pilot for free, I did it, works fine. If enough people like it, Amazon could order a full season, probably of 10 or 12 episodes. What I thought of it, you can read it here. The last moments of the episode made me doubt the fact that it belongs on the website, because the last scene indicated something Supernatural. Barbarella is also going forward, in the same way as Chris Carter's The After, also on Amazon. A pilot will be created and if this is successful, a TV series could be ordered by Amazon.
Back in October Almost Human had not yet premiered, but as we speak the 10th episode already has been aired. Personally it's one of my favourite new TV series, ratings wise it's
struggling and that is something I absolutely don't understand, it's a smart piece of television with two extraordinary lead characters. This one has to be renewed! Also started last month, Intelligence, which contains some sci-fi elements and this one is also struggling in the ratings, it's on a Monday night, 10pm, a tough time. Hopefully the ratings stabilize because I personally like it.
Agent Carter, which I mentioned last October also, is also in progress, rumours suggest it's getting ready fast, well I don't have a problem with that. It could premiere as soon as the fall of 2014 on ABC. I think it's faith also hinges on the future of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, if this gets cancelled, what will happen with Agent Carter? ABC Paul Lee did say however, SHIELD is very close to renewal.
A few projects which have been mentioned in the October #BLOG haven't made much progress, or so it seems at least. The two Mars projects, Colony and Red, from The CW, no news about these two projects, which I was very hopeful about. Also the two NBC's Time Travel projects seem to be standing still, Lighthouse and Timeless. Please note, I'm not saying, they're dead in the water, there just does not seem to be any progress. No word yet about HBO's Westworld from JJ Abrams & Nolan and also Echoes, which was (re) announced in October, does not seem to be progressing.
NBC has another project which is progressing rapidly, so it seems, it's called Tin Man. It is a psychological crime thriller that focuses on a fugitive robot accused of first-degree murder, who may hold the key to the future of human evolution, and a young female public defender forced to fight for his cause. This one sounds similar to the 2012 project Beautiful People, which did not get a series order at the time, also from NBC. Last time I also mentioned AMC's Line of Sight, not much new info about that one, but still I think this will go forward.
Lifetime is bringing The Lottery, which is progressing rather nicely, a lot of characters have been cast already, it's not a done deal but I've read they were in negotiation for a first series order. The Lottery is a futuristic conspiracy thriller. Written by feature/longform writer Timothy J. Sexton (Children Of Men, Boycott), Lottery is set in a world destined for extinction as women have stopped having children. When remarkably 100 embryos are successfully fertilized, a national lottery is held to decide the surrogates. As conflict, control and mystery over this important scientific breakthrough unfolds, government interests and power begin to dominate one of the most personal and basic elements of humanity — the right to have a family.
ABC ordered the pilot The Visitors, premise reminds me of V, seems to be progressing also, a director already has been hired for the pilot. ABC also ordered a pilot called Immortality, could be more supernatural, I'm not sure yet. The CW also ordered a sci-fi pilot The Messengers, a group of seemingly unconnected strangers die from the energy pulse, but then awaken to learn that they have been deemed responsible for preventing the impending Apocalypse. Of course The CW also brings Flash, from the same producer as Arrow. Initially I was under the impression this would not belong on this page but the producer announced that it will be more scifi-ish! The CW is also bringing two new sci-fi TV series, one this month and one next month, Star-Crossed and The 100, for more info and video's, click here for Star-Crossed and The 100.
BBC America is bringing Intruders, this one could go either way, sci-fi or supernatural, this premise: Intruders centers on ex-cop Jack Whalen (Simms), who has escaped a dark, violent past for a seemingly quiet life with his wife, Amy (Sorvino, who will play two characters in the same body). When she goes missing, Jack starts an investigation that forces him to confront his past. TNT will bring The Last Ship this summer, an apocalyptic premise but slightly different than we are used to. (see clip)
Some updates, or rather lack of updates is perhaps a better statement. USA's Horizon, I was very excited about this one, was looking forward to it but it now appears USA decided not to go through with it. On IMDB it now says telemovie instead of pilot and I can't find out anything about the project, I think it's dead! Syfy's High Moon, well, I'm afraid same faith as USA's Horizon, hope I'm wrong with both of them but I think this one is also dead in the water. Clandestine (Syfy), Area 51 (AMC), also no news about these two whatsoever, so probably dead too. Syfy's 12 Monkeys seems to be progressing, although it has been quiet for the last few months. Some casting has been done though. And according to Starz's CEO Albrecht Incursion is still alive, well if you say so!
While his biggest TV hit Babylon 5 is finally getting recognition online with the #FREEBABYLON5 campaign, Straczynski's new TV series Sense8 will probably premiere in the fall of 2014 on Netflix. Former B5 captain, Bruce Boxleitner promises on Facebook his Lantern City will come alive very soon!
I mentioned a lot of (possible) TV series, I want to mention two more (which I named in the beginning also), the first one is the Blake's 7 remake. In October 2013 it seemed to be very much alive after all, but since then it has been very silent, not giving up hope yet though. The other one is of course Space 2099, a blog from Jace Hall last month has giving me a lot of hope again, so remain hopeful about this one also. This one and Blake's 7 would be the most exciting projects of them all!
This blog makes it very clear that it's a long way from an idea to actually a TV series, a lot of them die along the way unfortunately, especially the ones which have space travelling concepts. In a few months I will write a follow up blog, if you have suggestions, about projects I apparently missed, when it is sci-fi related that is, please let me know. I know there are even more projects in development at the moment, think of the Marvel deal with Netflix for Five TV series but then this blog will be even longer, so if there is progress they certainly will be addressed in the next blog somewhere in May or June.
Looking Back on 2013
Another year has passed, another year with plenty of sci-fi in the cinema's. Movies like Oblivion, Star Trek Into Darkness, Thor: The Dark World, Riddick, Gravity and so on. 2013 has been less good for sci-fi on tv. We have Doctor Who, Defiance, Continuum, Revolution & Falling Skies and a few new struggling shows like Agents of SHIELD and Almost Human but no space travel shows and that's a damn shame.
Although no space exploring sci-fi, 2013 gave us a few new sci-fi series, or series with some or more sci-fi elements in it. Back in April Syfy started with the earlier mentioned Defiance, a daring concept of a TV series and a computer game interlinked with each other. BBC America brought the surprise hit Orphan Black, about clones. Turned out to be one of my new favourite TV series this year. In the fall ABC brought the earlier mentioned Agents of SHIELD. It was brought with a big bang but till now it's still not a "big bang" success and it remains to be seen if we see a season two. The creators of Fringe came up with Almost Human, also mentioned before, in the future police officers team up with robots. Great cast, entertaining stories but it seems no one is watching. The other surprise hit of the year is the Canadian produced TV series Continuum, renewed for season 3 after only a few episodes in the second season. Season 3 will kick-off in March 2014. Last month Doctor Who celebrated it's 50th anniversary with a TV special episode. Three of my favourite tv series celebrated their 20th anniversary this year. In January Star Trek: Deep Space Nine celebrated it 20th anniversary. In February Babylon 5 did the same and in September The X-Files celebrated their 20th anniversary.
For Star Trek 2013 was a good year, a financial success for Into The Darkness, three seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation were released on Blu-Ray and also two seasons of Star Trek: Enterprise. I gather that you sci-fi fans, like me are watching old sci-fi shows on DVD or Blu-Ray. I need my daily shot of space travel so lately I'm into Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: The Next Generation, just finished with Stargate SG-1 and I'm on the verge of beginning with Ronald D Moore's Battlestar Galactica. Why isn't there a space travel tv show right now on tv? For 24 seasons, 1987 till 2011, we had at least one space travelling sci-fi show on TV each season, but for three seasons now it's dried out, no space!
There are a few possible new things out there, I've mentioned them before, the Blake's 7 reboot, perhaps even the Space 2099 remake of Space 1999. In September/October 2013 the CW network announced two projects about the planet Mars, earlier this year (April) the Syfy channel announced several projects involving space travel but frankly it's not really moving forward, at least that's the feeling. Perhaps and hopefully I'm wrong but usually when you hear nothing new, it's not progressing. CBS' Extant, which debutes next summer with Halle Berry in the lead, could have some space scenes when looking at the premise but that's no more than a guess or wishful thinking at this time. If only Defying Gravity would have been appreciated more back in 2009, we could have had 6 seasons of space travel right there, or Stargate Universe which would have been in it's fifth or sixth season right now, another gem which was discarded so easily.
So what can we expect in 2014? Undoubtedly more sci-fi in the cinema's, some examples are: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Interstellar, Edge of Tomorrow, Transformers 4, Divergent, X-Men: Days of the Future, RoboCop and many more. Sci-fi is huge at the moment in the cinema's, but on TV, I fear that we will have to wait at least another season before there is even a chance for a new space travelling series because then something already should have been in the pipeline right now, the only options at this point would be Blake's 7 reboot or the Space 2099 remake but that's a big IF too. Star Trek: The Next Generation and also Star Trek: Enterprise will release their last seasons on Blu-Ray in 2014, so that's at least something,
I really am re-discovering Enterprise, it's a fun show, I love it. Perhaps on the horizon are also the Blu-Ray releases for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, but that's not earlier than 2015. So for now we have to re-watch our favourite outer space shows and be satisfied with Doctor Who, Continuum, Defiance and others. Agents of SHIELD may still have a shot at a second season but I fear Almost Human will be cancelled after it's first. Ratings are undeservedly bad unfortunately.
There also are a few sci-fi series in the pipeline which don't involve space travel. Bruce Boxleitner's Lantern City hopefully progresses into a TV show next year, Echoes is another one, this project was announced in 2011, than laid dormant for a while and suddenly this project is alive again. A Stargate producer is connected to this one. Network NBC has bought two time travel stories, one from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles' Josh Friedman. Obviously only one of them will survive, no way NBC is gonna produce two time travel shows at the same time.
So hoping for better times, for outer space TV shows at least, movies are doing very well and much more is coming next few years. Hopefully the success in the cinema will rub off on TV too!
Current Status of sci-fi on TV and on the Big Screen
Last few years we weren't exactly overloaded with sci-fi on tv! Most current "sci-fi" series only have sci-fi elements in them. Few exceptions of course with Doctor Who and Defiance, Falling Skies and perhaps Continuum. Fortunately these four series are doing rather well so the next year we get new seasons for all three. Haven, some say it's just supernatural, some say it does have sci-fi elements, in any case, it had a good run till now and although not (yet) renewed for season five, the fourth season is as steady as the other seasons. Warehouse 13 of course also has a strong relation to sci-fi but season five will be it's last.
Other current sci-fi (-ish) series aren't doing all that well unfortunately. Of course the first one Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is in bad weather, ratings keep dropping each week although the stories are definitely improving. This one is unfortunately headed for cancellation. Same we can say for Revolution. After a great start last year Revolution is also certain to be cancelled. Five episodes in season two hit it's series low, last episode was up one tenth but still, ratings are very low and won't survive another mid-season break. I personally think the second season is way better than it's first but by now too many people stopped watching.
The Tomorrow People remake, another series with some sci-fi elements, is holding steady at the moment in the ratings and a full season has been ordered by The CW. This has potential as a series as well as a second season. Orphan Black was a surprise hit earlier this year and will be back also next year. Although it definitely has some sci-fi elements in it, it's more of a drama/thriller I think, but one of my favourites of this year, recommended! Under the Dome got a second season, will be back next year but again, it's more of a drama with some sci-fi elements in it. On the other side of the pond there are two more series, Misfits, which is in the middle of it's last series and also the French produced Metal Hurlant Chronicles, which was renewed for season two. There are some new ones in the pipeline but this is it for the moment.
Sci-fi is doing much better on the big screen! About fifteen to twenty movies have been released this year alone which are sci-fi related or flat out real sci-fi flicks! I believe it started with Tom Cruise's Oblivion, one I really liked. It also did rather well in the box-office. Also Iron Man 3, which got mixed reviews but was a big financial hit. Star Trek Into Darkness, a real sci-fi action adventure. Furthermore we got: Elysium; Man of Steel; The Wolverine; Pacific Rim; After Earth (bombed); Riddick; Europa Report; the surprise hit Gravity; The Hunger Games: Catching Fire; Snowpiercer; Thor: The Dark World; The Last Days On Mars; The Colony; The World's End and Ender's Game. Don't know if I forgot one or two but this list is quite impressive, been a long time since I paid so many visits to the cinema as I did this year! So it's a bit of a contradiction, many sci-fi movies and only a handful sci-fi series at the moment. For the most part I think it has to do with budget, it is more expensive to create a sci-fi series and also the kind of stories are quite different than in the cinema, more character driven instead of action and explosions.
Sure hope it will be more balanced next year, a few more sci-fi series, preferably some space oriented series.
Most interesting tv developments last two months
We've heard and read a lot of new tv developments the last two months, to be realistic, only a fraction of those so called developments come to life in form of a tv series. Still I want to summarize what has been passed by your screens in the last two months.
What I find most interesting myself are the two projects being in development about series which are set on Mars! The first one called "RED", it's about a Western/sci-fi drama from The Mentalist creator/executive producer Bruno Heller and the series’ executive producer Tom Szentgyorgyi. Written by Szentgyorgyi, Red is described as a neo-Western drama about the first human settlement on Mars and life on this new frontier, centering on the relationships between the town’s female sheriff, a doctor and a criminal.
The other "Mars" series is in development is "Colony" Written by Ian Goldberg (Once Upon A Time), Colony is a thriller about a group of explorers sent to colonize Mars, willing to leave their lives behind to brave the dangers of another planet, and the terrifying reality they discover. It is inspired by the story of The Lost Colony, the 16th century British settlement on Roanoke Island, off the coast of North Carolina, whose inhabitants vanished without a trace, sparking a slew of theories about their fate. Both projects are being developed by The CW! Although I really would love to see a Mars series, you almost know for certain only one of these two will see the light of day in the form of a TV series, if we are lucky!
The CBS announced earlier this month they ordered a 13 episode series called Extant! From Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television and CBS Television Studios, the 13-episode thriller centers on an astronaut who, following a year-long solo mission, attempts to settle back in to her everyday life. Ultimately, her experiences in both space and at home will lead to events that change the course of history. What's even more interesting is that Halle Berry is going to play the lead and it's going to be broadcast in the summer with Under the Dome.
Marvel is in the early stages of developing an "Agent Carter" series, Hayley Atwell played this character in the first Captain America movie. It's not yet clear if Atwell will reprise her role in the possible series but she said she's willing to. Perhaps this all depends on the fact if Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be successful. Although Marvel is investigating the possibility to create 4 series and a miniseries, that would be taken out to the VOD and cable space, with Netflix, Amazon and WGN America rumoured as potential candidates.
Of course another interesting development is the new series from The X-Files creator Chris Carter who is developing for Amazon a series called The After. Problem is I'm not yet sure if it's more sci-fi (ish) or more Supernatural. In any case, a number of cast have already been announced, so this seems to be going forward quite well. The thriller takes place right at the moment of a major apocalyptic event. While that will probably be part of the focus, I’m sure most of it will be involved with what comes after the event. The name doesn’t give that away at all.
The NBC has bought two Time Travel Drama's! Josh Friedman’s (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) Lighthouse, which he is writing and executive producing through his Universal TV overall deal, is an ensemble drama set at a mysterious hotel for wayward time travelers and Deborah Pratt’s Timeless, which she also is writing and executive producing for Uni TV, centers on Alexandra King who, time traveling between earth’s future and present day, finds herself caught between two men she desperately loves, the worlds they each inhabit and the secrets that could destroy them all. Here the same problems is with the two Mars series, probably only one of the two will be developed into a tv series.
Other projects: Well the Blake's 7 reboot is not dead yet so it seems, let's hope this really gets a chance. NBC also has in development a futuristic crime thriller called Tin Man. Lifetime is developing a Dystopian Future Drama called The Lottery. AMC's Line of Sight is busy with casting the lead characters. Abrams + Nolan are prepping big-budget Westworld reboot for HBO. Bryan Singer is producing a Modern Monster Drama Project, called Creature At Bay, for Syfy, and casting for Thunderbirds is on it's way. Also the series Echoes, a science fiction series set in the apocalyptic world following an alien invasion of Earth.
I realise we would be very lucky if only 50% of all developments mentioned above are going to become tv series', but we have to keep hoping for some great new series and preferably broadcast on a cable network or online via Netflix or Amazon something like that.
What can we expect this fall and in first half year of 2014
The fall season is almost upon us and there are a number is interesting series coming up which we as sci-fi fans must check out! Although I'm saddened to say that there won't be a space oriented series in the bunch of new series, hopefully we will see some next year.
The first one is of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, a Joss Whedon show which is always interesting. The more previews I see, the more I wish it was already on our screens. For multiple preview clips click here.
The second which has my immediate interest is the remake from a British show called The Tomorrow People, from the 70s. It's a blending of Heroes and Alphas and looks to be very interesting show and it has Mark Pellegrino (a.o. Lost, Dexter, Supernatural) among it's cast which is always a plus. For previes click here.
Number three, Almost Human, created by J.J. Abrams, J.H. Wyman and Bryan Burk, think Blade Runner meets Robocop and Karl Urban plays the main character on the show. Looking forward to this one. The action-packed police drama is set 35 years in the future when all police officers are forced to partner with highly evolved human-like androids. For previews click here.
The fourth is Sleepy Hollow, This modern-day reimagining of the Washington Irving classic rips Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) through history to present-day Sleepy Hollow in which a revived Headless Horseman is on a murderous rampage. This one also seems very interesting to me, is it sci-fi (ish), well the main character does travel trough time so this element is certainly sci-fi. For previews click here.
Then there are also a number of new series which premiere in the winter of 2014.
The first one is Intelligence, Chuck meets Mission Impossible. Action packed series with sci-fi elements, not intended as humoristic as Chuck was. Impressive cast, Josh Holloway (Lost) Marg Helgenberger (CSI) & Meghan Ory. For a preview click here.
On the CW channel two sci-fi series premiere in 2014, first one is called The 100, Set nearly 100 years in the future, after nuclear war has destroyed society, the series will follow a group of juvenile delinquents sent back to Earth to make a run at colonizing old Terra Firma once again. For a preview, click here. The other is called Star-Crossed, a Roswell-esque show, the series follows a romance between a human girl and an alien boy when he and eight others of his kind are integrated into a suburban high school. The series has been planned for a midseason premiere. The series was titled Oxygen while in development at The CW. For a preview click here.
Also on the Horizon, pun intended is Horizon , Horizon follows FBI secretary Lauren (Bradley) as she investigates the mysterious ‘Horizon’ project, which is somehow linked to the apparent death of her husband. Broadcast by USA network, for a preview, click here.
The Syfy channel also has a few new series coming, at least, that's what they announced a while back. So far only High Moon & Helix seem to be progressing. High Moon is set in the future and on the moon, where colonies have been established and now mine the rock for resources. The Christopher books follow two young boys who live in one of the colonies, who inadvertently stumble across an alien life form in the caves of the moon. Helix, a Ronald D. Moore production, Helix is an intense scifi thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that may hold the key to mankind's salvation or total annihilation. This one also looks promising, a bit like The Thing. For some teasers, click here
Syfy also announced new pilots for the Blake's 7 remake and a Firefly type series called Clandestine, I for one do not have much confidence that these shows will come to life, hope I'm wrong though.
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